EKA Gallery

17.03.2023 — 25.08.2023

“Don’t cross their boundaries!” at EKA Billboard Gallery 17.03.–25.08.2023

Don’t cross their boundaries!
Opening: 17.03, 4 pm at EKA lobby
EKA Billboard Gallery, Kotzebue 1

Participating artists:
Kristiina Aarna, Karola Ainsar, Katharina Grepp, Kärt Heinvere, Annika Hint & Irmeli Terras, Maria Kapajeva, Sanna Kartau, Hanna Eliise Kask, Karis Kivi, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar, Annemarie Maasik, Marlene, Susanna Mildeberg, Katariin Mudist, Enn Nazarov, Liisa Niit, Katerina Rothberg, Pamela Samel, Tiina Sööt, Daria Titova, Kadi Viik, Laura Vilbiks


Feministeerium and EKA Gallery invite you to the exhibition “Don’t cross their boundaries!” opening on March 17 at 4 pm in the EKA lobby!


72% of Estonian university students have experienced sexual or gender-based harassment at least once. The most common types of harassment that the students have experienced are stereotyping remarks, sexually suggestive language, ambivalent jokes and inappropriate staring.*


Everyone has the right to decide for themselves about their bodily integrity. However, how personal boundaries are established depends on the cultural norms and on the social contract, institutionalized in the form of civil laws. Any sexual relation must be based on the explicit free consent of all parties. Free consent means that the parties of a sexual relation can decide whether they want to continue or end it at any time, fully assured that their boundaries will be respected. Consideration of each other’s needs creates an emotionally safer space and is a step towards defying stereotypes that contribute to violence and inequality.


The 2017 Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, also ratified by Estonia, advocates for changing the definition of rape in the Penal Code, so it would be based on consensual sexual relations as the norm, while deviation from consent constitutes rape. Alongside the law, it is important to establish a popular understanding across the society that everyone has the right to physical and mental self-determination and integrity. 


For this exhibition, we have selected submitted artworks that address the principles of sexual consent culture and confront the problems created by stereotyping attitudes.


* Based on the 2020 Federation of Estonian Student Unions survey Gender and Sexual Harassment in Estonian Higher Education Institutions.


Supported by: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Active citizens fund

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

“Don’t cross their boundaries!” at EKA Billboard Gallery 17.03.–25.08.2023

Friday 17 March, 2023 — Friday 25 August, 2023

Don’t cross their boundaries!
Opening: 17.03, 4 pm at EKA lobby
EKA Billboard Gallery, Kotzebue 1

Participating artists:
Kristiina Aarna, Karola Ainsar, Katharina Grepp, Kärt Heinvere, Annika Hint & Irmeli Terras, Maria Kapajeva, Sanna Kartau, Hanna Eliise Kask, Karis Kivi, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar, Annemarie Maasik, Marlene, Susanna Mildeberg, Katariin Mudist, Enn Nazarov, Liisa Niit, Katerina Rothberg, Pamela Samel, Tiina Sööt, Daria Titova, Kadi Viik, Laura Vilbiks


Feministeerium and EKA Gallery invite you to the exhibition “Don’t cross their boundaries!” opening on March 17 at 4 pm in the EKA lobby!


72% of Estonian university students have experienced sexual or gender-based harassment at least once. The most common types of harassment that the students have experienced are stereotyping remarks, sexually suggestive language, ambivalent jokes and inappropriate staring.*


Everyone has the right to decide for themselves about their bodily integrity. However, how personal boundaries are established depends on the cultural norms and on the social contract, institutionalized in the form of civil laws. Any sexual relation must be based on the explicit free consent of all parties. Free consent means that the parties of a sexual relation can decide whether they want to continue or end it at any time, fully assured that their boundaries will be respected. Consideration of each other’s needs creates an emotionally safer space and is a step towards defying stereotypes that contribute to violence and inequality.


The 2017 Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, also ratified by Estonia, advocates for changing the definition of rape in the Penal Code, so it would be based on consensual sexual relations as the norm, while deviation from consent constitutes rape. Alongside the law, it is important to establish a popular understanding across the society that everyone has the right to physical and mental self-determination and integrity. 


For this exhibition, we have selected submitted artworks that address the principles of sexual consent culture and confront the problems created by stereotyping attitudes.


* Based on the 2020 Federation of Estonian Student Unions survey Gender and Sexual Harassment in Estonian Higher Education Institutions.


Supported by: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Active citizens fund

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

16.02.2023 — 16.03.2023

Denisa Štefanigová “Beyond the Blue Yonder” at EKA Gallery 16.02.–16.03.2023

Beyond the Blue Yonder

Denisa Štefanigová in collaboration with Johanna Ruukholm and Marleen Suvi, curated by Yilin Ma.

Opening: 16.02, 5 pm

In Štefanigová’s Beyond the Blue Yonder exhibition, humans are melting, becoming tides into other creatures to coexist together, in the same body. Culture historian Astrida Neimanis writes on ”Hydrofeminism; Or, On Becoming a Body of Water”, how the space between ourselves and our others are at once as distant as the primaeval sea, yet also closer than our skin. 

Current in Štefanigová’s practice, is the fluidity between human and nonhuman subjects, where no living being is separated nor untouched from others. Like water connecting us all and ensuring we are always in a state of becoming as it travels in our bodies, in Beyond the Blue Yonder Štefanigová’s works are blending into new boundaries. Through works especially made for the exhibition, Beyond the Blue Yonder studies the possibilities of fluidity and fusing into each other, very much like boundless water crashing into itself in our bodies. 

When looking at Štefanigová’s work through connections, you can see how they are formed and how unavoidably they reach out to every corner of our own private lives in good or in bad. Neimanis writes how “Despite the fact that we are all watery bodies, leaking into and sponging off of one another, we resist total dissolution, material annihilation. Or more aptly, we postpone it: ashes to ashes, water to water”; this is evident in Štefanigová’s work where water, air, or anything that bounds us together, works as a communicator between our bodies, connecting us and facilitates bodies into being. Doing so, it shows all the things from the past to the present. Our bodies are holding the past, and simultaneously are on the verge of the future. The space of constant becoming that is trying to find its own, but without the naivety of being born again. 

There is also something queer about the way Štefanigová’s approach to challenge boundaries between human and nonhuman, and everything that sets them apart socially and environmentally. As bell hooks writes ”queer as not who you’re having sex with, that can be a dimension of it, but queer as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and has to invent and create and find a place to speak and to thrive and to love”. 

Štefanigová’s technique holds water in an important role — from working with acrylics that water controls from how the water dries to the canvas, Štefanigová’s one line technique awakes something watery in the paintings; a reflection, that’s on a constant move. Installing these 31 pieces of paintings next to each other, Štefanigová is creating a wave that flows through the space. 

The exhibition consists of paintings and an installation by Denisa Štefanigová, as well as sculptures by Marleen Suvi. A limited amount of catalogues that examine the exhibition through a dialogue between the artists Denisa Štefanigová and the curator Yilin Ma is designed by Johanna Ruukholm. 

Denisa Štefanigová (she/her) (b.1995) is a Czech artist who mainly works in painting. She recently graduated from the Master’s Program in Contemporary Art at the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA). She also holds a bachelor’s degree from the Technical University, Faculty of Fine Arts (FaVU), during her studies she also attended the Faculty de Bellas Artes in Bilbao. In 2021, Štefanigová was one of the 15 finalists for the Young Painter Award for the Baltic countries. Her recent exhibitions include MO Museum, Vilnius, and Hobusepea, and Hoib Gallery, both in Tallinn. Her works are represented in the KogArt collection based in Hungary and in SYNLAB based in Tallinn. This year, she will have a solo exhibition in Tallinn, Prague, and then one group show with the Hungarian artist Asztrid Csatlós in Brno. 

Marleen Suvi (b. 1998) (she/her)has graduated from the department of painting in the faculty of fine art at the Estonian Academy of Arts (2020) and is currently acquiring a MA degree in the contemporary art program at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Marleen Suvi is examining the interwovenness between the body and the human soul. At the moment she is working with ideas such as whether it is possible to meet yourself, how to let go of your selfishness and what it means to depict yourself in a sexual way. Most of her works are autoportraits. While writing haikus, the artist contemplates empty phrases, which arise from subconsciousness that sometimes seems to belong to someone else. She prefers to work with oil on canvas and glass. Among her recently held exhibitions are ‘‘A Visitor’’ (Hobusepea Gallery, 2022) and ‘‘So That the Body Does not Forget’’ (Vent Space Project Room, 2021). 

Johanna Ruukholm (she/her) (b. 1996) is a graphic designer and artist. She is part of a design duo Jojo&me. Her graphic works vary from websites to illustrated visuals and she enjoys telling stories through characters in colourful and enigmatic worlds. Besides working with a computer and pencils, she creates ceramic sculptures and everyday objects under a brand called Nestworkers. She is also one of the curators of the club event series HoneyCombat, which takes place in Tallinn. 

Yilin Ma (they/them) (b.1995) is a Helsinki based curator and writer, who works in intersections of literature and visual culture with a focus on East-Asian queer diaspora narratives and queer- feminist way of understanding the spaces in between lyrical and material. Currently they are attending The Praxis Master’s Programme in Exhibition Studies at The University of Arts in Helsinki. 

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and the Estonian Academy of Arts

Opening drinks by Punch

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

Denisa Štefanigová “Beyond the Blue Yonder” at EKA Gallery 16.02.–16.03.2023

Thursday 16 February, 2023 — Thursday 16 March, 2023

Beyond the Blue Yonder

Denisa Štefanigová in collaboration with Johanna Ruukholm and Marleen Suvi, curated by Yilin Ma.

Opening: 16.02, 5 pm

In Štefanigová’s Beyond the Blue Yonder exhibition, humans are melting, becoming tides into other creatures to coexist together, in the same body. Culture historian Astrida Neimanis writes on ”Hydrofeminism; Or, On Becoming a Body of Water”, how the space between ourselves and our others are at once as distant as the primaeval sea, yet also closer than our skin. 

Current in Štefanigová’s practice, is the fluidity between human and nonhuman subjects, where no living being is separated nor untouched from others. Like water connecting us all and ensuring we are always in a state of becoming as it travels in our bodies, in Beyond the Blue Yonder Štefanigová’s works are blending into new boundaries. Through works especially made for the exhibition, Beyond the Blue Yonder studies the possibilities of fluidity and fusing into each other, very much like boundless water crashing into itself in our bodies. 

When looking at Štefanigová’s work through connections, you can see how they are formed and how unavoidably they reach out to every corner of our own private lives in good or in bad. Neimanis writes how “Despite the fact that we are all watery bodies, leaking into and sponging off of one another, we resist total dissolution, material annihilation. Or more aptly, we postpone it: ashes to ashes, water to water”; this is evident in Štefanigová’s work where water, air, or anything that bounds us together, works as a communicator between our bodies, connecting us and facilitates bodies into being. Doing so, it shows all the things from the past to the present. Our bodies are holding the past, and simultaneously are on the verge of the future. The space of constant becoming that is trying to find its own, but without the naivety of being born again. 

There is also something queer about the way Štefanigová’s approach to challenge boundaries between human and nonhuman, and everything that sets them apart socially and environmentally. As bell hooks writes ”queer as not who you’re having sex with, that can be a dimension of it, but queer as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and has to invent and create and find a place to speak and to thrive and to love”. 

Štefanigová’s technique holds water in an important role — from working with acrylics that water controls from how the water dries to the canvas, Štefanigová’s one line technique awakes something watery in the paintings; a reflection, that’s on a constant move. Installing these 31 pieces of paintings next to each other, Štefanigová is creating a wave that flows through the space. 

The exhibition consists of paintings and an installation by Denisa Štefanigová, as well as sculptures by Marleen Suvi. A limited amount of catalogues that examine the exhibition through a dialogue between the artists Denisa Štefanigová and the curator Yilin Ma is designed by Johanna Ruukholm. 

Denisa Štefanigová (she/her) (b.1995) is a Czech artist who mainly works in painting. She recently graduated from the Master’s Program in Contemporary Art at the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA). She also holds a bachelor’s degree from the Technical University, Faculty of Fine Arts (FaVU), during her studies she also attended the Faculty de Bellas Artes in Bilbao. In 2021, Štefanigová was one of the 15 finalists for the Young Painter Award for the Baltic countries. Her recent exhibitions include MO Museum, Vilnius, and Hobusepea, and Hoib Gallery, both in Tallinn. Her works are represented in the KogArt collection based in Hungary and in SYNLAB based in Tallinn. This year, she will have a solo exhibition in Tallinn, Prague, and then one group show with the Hungarian artist Asztrid Csatlós in Brno. 

Marleen Suvi (b. 1998) (she/her)has graduated from the department of painting in the faculty of fine art at the Estonian Academy of Arts (2020) and is currently acquiring a MA degree in the contemporary art program at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Marleen Suvi is examining the interwovenness between the body and the human soul. At the moment she is working with ideas such as whether it is possible to meet yourself, how to let go of your selfishness and what it means to depict yourself in a sexual way. Most of her works are autoportraits. While writing haikus, the artist contemplates empty phrases, which arise from subconsciousness that sometimes seems to belong to someone else. She prefers to work with oil on canvas and glass. Among her recently held exhibitions are ‘‘A Visitor’’ (Hobusepea Gallery, 2022) and ‘‘So That the Body Does not Forget’’ (Vent Space Project Room, 2021). 

Johanna Ruukholm (she/her) (b. 1996) is a graphic designer and artist. She is part of a design duo Jojo&me. Her graphic works vary from websites to illustrated visuals and she enjoys telling stories through characters in colourful and enigmatic worlds. Besides working with a computer and pencils, she creates ceramic sculptures and everyday objects under a brand called Nestworkers. She is also one of the curators of the club event series HoneyCombat, which takes place in Tallinn. 

Yilin Ma (they/them) (b.1995) is a Helsinki based curator and writer, who works in intersections of literature and visual culture with a focus on East-Asian queer diaspora narratives and queer- feminist way of understanding the spaces in between lyrical and material. Currently they are attending The Praxis Master’s Programme in Exhibition Studies at The University of Arts in Helsinki. 

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and the Estonian Academy of Arts

Opening drinks by Punch

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

17.01.2023 — 09.02.2023

“Inside Me, Unveiling Us” at EKA Gallery 17.01.–09.02.2023

Aleyna Canpolat, Andrea Gudiño, Alp Eren Özalp “Inside Me, Unveiling Us” at EKA Gallery on 17.01—09.02.2023

Opening: 17.01 at 4 pm



According to Andy Goldsworthy, we often forget, that we are nature. When we lose our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves. The authors of the exhibition Aleyna Canpolat, Andrea Gudiño, and Alp Eren Özalp come together from different sides of the world Turkey and Mexico and study at EKA in the Urban and Animation departments. In the exhibition “Inside Me, Unveiling Us” they are asking how do we perceive a place, where we feel belonging, that embraces us as who we truly are. Nature tends to create a common roof for foreigners and locals. There are no various borders, languages, or countries. Nature is the only entity, that seems to be embracing us fully.

The exhibition invites the participants to explore connection points between their own identity and nature through physical and audiovisual elements. Each element is a different mixture of textures, animated territories, and anonymous silhouettes. The exhibition provides a periphery for visitors to reflect on their own emotions through different organic elements, words of unpredictable wishes, and shadows of daydreams and ambiance.


Aleyna Canpolat (b.1998) is an architect and designer who is currently studying in the Estonian Academy of Arts in the Urban studies department. She graduated with a MA level in architecture from Yıldız Technical University in 2021. In her creative practice, she is focused on biophilic and sustainable design. Throughout her education, she has curated many exhibitions and group discussions with ‘Mimarlık Bunun Neresinde?’. She has won different awards in several competitions, that she has participated in. 

Andrea Gudiño (b.1993) is a Mexican director, animator, and photographer. Her work is based on the experimentation of mixed media animation techniques such as stop-motion, cut-out, rotoscope, and 2D. She is currently studying in the Estonian Academy of Arts animation MA program. 

Alp Eren Özalp (b.1997) is a Turkish architect and designer who is currently studying at the Estonian Academy of Arts in the urban studies department. He graduated from the architecture department at Yıldız Technical University in 2020. He has worked professionally on urban planning and architecture and was awarded for creating a smart village project, which was then built in Azerbaijan. For this, he developed a design and a way to use wooden products using wood carving techniques. 


Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

“Inside Me, Unveiling Us” at EKA Gallery 17.01.–09.02.2023

Tuesday 17 January, 2023 — Thursday 09 February, 2023

Aleyna Canpolat, Andrea Gudiño, Alp Eren Özalp “Inside Me, Unveiling Us” at EKA Gallery on 17.01—09.02.2023

Opening: 17.01 at 4 pm



According to Andy Goldsworthy, we often forget, that we are nature. When we lose our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves. The authors of the exhibition Aleyna Canpolat, Andrea Gudiño, and Alp Eren Özalp come together from different sides of the world Turkey and Mexico and study at EKA in the Urban and Animation departments. In the exhibition “Inside Me, Unveiling Us” they are asking how do we perceive a place, where we feel belonging, that embraces us as who we truly are. Nature tends to create a common roof for foreigners and locals. There are no various borders, languages, or countries. Nature is the only entity, that seems to be embracing us fully.

The exhibition invites the participants to explore connection points between their own identity and nature through physical and audiovisual elements. Each element is a different mixture of textures, animated territories, and anonymous silhouettes. The exhibition provides a periphery for visitors to reflect on their own emotions through different organic elements, words of unpredictable wishes, and shadows of daydreams and ambiance.


Aleyna Canpolat (b.1998) is an architect and designer who is currently studying in the Estonian Academy of Arts in the Urban studies department. She graduated with a MA level in architecture from Yıldız Technical University in 2021. In her creative practice, she is focused on biophilic and sustainable design. Throughout her education, she has curated many exhibitions and group discussions with ‘Mimarlık Bunun Neresinde?’. She has won different awards in several competitions, that she has participated in. 

Andrea Gudiño (b.1993) is a Mexican director, animator, and photographer. Her work is based on the experimentation of mixed media animation techniques such as stop-motion, cut-out, rotoscope, and 2D. She is currently studying in the Estonian Academy of Arts animation MA program. 

Alp Eren Özalp (b.1997) is a Turkish architect and designer who is currently studying at the Estonian Academy of Arts in the urban studies department. He graduated from the architecture department at Yıldız Technical University in 2020. He has worked professionally on urban planning and architecture and was awarded for creating a smart village project, which was then built in Azerbaijan. For this, he developed a design and a way to use wooden products using wood carving techniques. 


Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink


Photography Publication “Last Edit was Seconds Ago. BFO19”

The department of photography of the Estonian Academy of Arts presents a new publication Last Edit was Seconds Ago. BFO19 in EKA gallery at 18:00 on Thursday, December 8th, 2022.

The publication introduces the works of eleven BA students (BFO19) – Andra Junalainen,
Laura Ruuder, Ivor Lõõbas, Elo Vahtrik, Imbi Sõber, Meel Paliale, Markus Mikk, Joosep Kivimäe, Kertu Rannula, Jana Mätas, Laura Maala – who graduated from the Department of Photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts. The abbreviation BFO19 stands for the group of students who started their studies in the fall semester 2019.
The book includes a selection of images realized during their study period, exhibition views of graduation projects, short interviews with the students and an essay by Marge Monko, the professor of the department of photography.

The publication is designed by Alejandro Bellon Ample and Björn Giesecke who recently
obtained MA degree in the department of graphic design at EKA.

The discount price at the presentation will be 15 €, later 20 €.

Our gratitude goes to: Sean Yendrys, Laura Kuusk, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo
Supporters: Hartwall Estonia, Põhjala Brewery

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Photography Publication “Last Edit was Seconds Ago. BFO19”

Thursday 08 December, 2022

The department of photography of the Estonian Academy of Arts presents a new publication Last Edit was Seconds Ago. BFO19 in EKA gallery at 18:00 on Thursday, December 8th, 2022.

The publication introduces the works of eleven BA students (BFO19) – Andra Junalainen,
Laura Ruuder, Ivor Lõõbas, Elo Vahtrik, Imbi Sõber, Meel Paliale, Markus Mikk, Joosep Kivimäe, Kertu Rannula, Jana Mätas, Laura Maala – who graduated from the Department of Photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts. The abbreviation BFO19 stands for the group of students who started their studies in the fall semester 2019.
The book includes a selection of images realized during their study period, exhibition views of graduation projects, short interviews with the students and an essay by Marge Monko, the professor of the department of photography.

The publication is designed by Alejandro Bellon Ample and Björn Giesecke who recently
obtained MA degree in the department of graphic design at EKA.

The discount price at the presentation will be 15 €, later 20 €.

Our gratitude goes to: Sean Yendrys, Laura Kuusk, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo
Supporters: Hartwall Estonia, Põhjala Brewery

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

01.12.2022 — 22.11.2022

Assessment Marathon at EKA Gallery 01.–22.12.2022


December brings an opportunity to experience, in an exhibition format, works produced by students in the Faculty of Fine Arts as their term projects: every day there will be a fresh crop of university students’ works on display in the gallery.

Works in contemporary art, prints, installation, sculpture and painting curricula will be on display. On each morning of the marathon, a new exhibition will be installed and in the evening the exhibit will give way to the next one. Hopefully, viewers will be able to keep up with the pace of the young artists.


1.12. Drawing, supervisors Matti Pärk, Maiu Rõõmus

2.12. Drawing, supervisor Eero Alev

3.—4.12. Scenography, supervisor Mark Raidpere

5.12. Drawing, supervisors Tõnis Saadoja

6.12. Drawing, supervisor Britta Benno

7.12. Photography, supervisors Annika Haas, Kadri Otsiver

8.12. Photography, supervisor Taavi Piibemann

9.12. Photography, supervisor Kalle Veesaar

12.12. Graphic art, supervisors Liina Siib, Eve Kask, Maria Erikson, Len Murusalu, Martinus Daane Klemet, Viktor Gurov

13.12. Graphic art, supervisors Kadi Kurema, Mark Antonius Puhkan, Aarne Mesikäpp, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar

14.12. Painting, supervisors Tõnis Saadoja, Mart Vainre

15.12. Painting, supervisors Sirja-Liisa Eelma, Mihkel Maripuu, Jaan Toomik

16.12. Painting, supervisors Sirja-Liisa Eelma, Alice Kask, Mart Vainre

17.12. Sculpture and Installation, supervisors Taavi Talve, Laura Põld

19.—22.12. Contemporary Art, supervisors Anu Vahtra, Jaan Toomik, Liina Siib, Taavi Talve, John Grzinich, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo, Marge Monko, Taavi Piibemann, Eve Kask, Maria Erikson, Kristi Kongi, Sirja-Liisa Eelma

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

Assessment Marathon at EKA Gallery 01.–22.12.2022

Thursday 01 December, 2022 — Tuesday 22 November, 2022


December brings an opportunity to experience, in an exhibition format, works produced by students in the Faculty of Fine Arts as their term projects: every day there will be a fresh crop of university students’ works on display in the gallery.

Works in contemporary art, prints, installation, sculpture and painting curricula will be on display. On each morning of the marathon, a new exhibition will be installed and in the evening the exhibit will give way to the next one. Hopefully, viewers will be able to keep up with the pace of the young artists.


1.12. Drawing, supervisors Matti Pärk, Maiu Rõõmus

2.12. Drawing, supervisor Eero Alev

3.—4.12. Scenography, supervisor Mark Raidpere

5.12. Drawing, supervisors Tõnis Saadoja

6.12. Drawing, supervisor Britta Benno

7.12. Photography, supervisors Annika Haas, Kadri Otsiver

8.12. Photography, supervisor Taavi Piibemann

9.12. Photography, supervisor Kalle Veesaar

12.12. Graphic art, supervisors Liina Siib, Eve Kask, Maria Erikson, Len Murusalu, Martinus Daane Klemet, Viktor Gurov

13.12. Graphic art, supervisors Kadi Kurema, Mark Antonius Puhkan, Aarne Mesikäpp, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar

14.12. Painting, supervisors Tõnis Saadoja, Mart Vainre

15.12. Painting, supervisors Sirja-Liisa Eelma, Mihkel Maripuu, Jaan Toomik

16.12. Painting, supervisors Sirja-Liisa Eelma, Alice Kask, Mart Vainre

17.12. Sculpture and Installation, supervisors Taavi Talve, Laura Põld

19.—22.12. Contemporary Art, supervisors Anu Vahtra, Jaan Toomik, Liina Siib, Taavi Talve, John Grzinich, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo, Marge Monko, Taavi Piibemann, Eve Kask, Maria Erikson, Kristi Kongi, Sirja-Liisa Eelma

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

20.10.2022 — 29.11.2022

EKA Museum “A Child Thing” at EKA Gallery 21.10.–29.11.2022

Estonian Academy of Arts Museum exhibition:
A Child Thing. Children’s designs by students at EKA

21.10–29.11.2022 at EKA Gallery

Professional design for children is broadly a phenomenon of the last hundred years. The field of children’s design has became more significant in the Estonian Academy of Arts since 1970s. More and more attention has been payed on the actual needs, physical and mental characteristics of young people. From the aesthetic utility objects of the 20th century, design is increasingly moving towards solutions that engage children to develop their creativity.

Numerous established fashion, textile and leather artists, ceramicists, designers and interior architects in Estonia have worked with children’s designs during their student years. Besides the practical world of design, the exhibition also presents book illustrations, theatre costumes and animated films from the realm of fairy tales that stimulate children’s imagination.

The exhibition covers almost a century, starting with the rooster illustration for the ABC book from the State School of Arts and Crafts time and ending with interactive objects from the last decade. The exhibition is largely based on the historical collection of the Estonian Academy of Arts Museum. Most of the student design projects remained on paper. However, designers have generously contributed to the exhibition their items that were turned from ideas into real objects more recently. The signs of wear on some toys and therapeutic facilities testify that they have been enjoyed by children in hospitals, orphanages, libraries or playgrounds, thus serving their purpose.

Curators of the exhibition: Jelizaveta Sedler and Reeli Kõiv

Exhibition is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

EKA Museum “A Child Thing” at EKA Gallery 21.10.–29.11.2022

Thursday 20 October, 2022 — Tuesday 29 November, 2022

Estonian Academy of Arts Museum exhibition:
A Child Thing. Children’s designs by students at EKA

21.10–29.11.2022 at EKA Gallery

Professional design for children is broadly a phenomenon of the last hundred years. The field of children’s design has became more significant in the Estonian Academy of Arts since 1970s. More and more attention has been payed on the actual needs, physical and mental characteristics of young people. From the aesthetic utility objects of the 20th century, design is increasingly moving towards solutions that engage children to develop their creativity.

Numerous established fashion, textile and leather artists, ceramicists, designers and interior architects in Estonia have worked with children’s designs during their student years. Besides the practical world of design, the exhibition also presents book illustrations, theatre costumes and animated films from the realm of fairy tales that stimulate children’s imagination.

The exhibition covers almost a century, starting with the rooster illustration for the ABC book from the State School of Arts and Crafts time and ending with interactive objects from the last decade. The exhibition is largely based on the historical collection of the Estonian Academy of Arts Museum. Most of the student design projects remained on paper. However, designers have generously contributed to the exhibition their items that were turned from ideas into real objects more recently. The signs of wear on some toys and therapeutic facilities testify that they have been enjoyed by children in hospitals, orphanages, libraries or playgrounds, thus serving their purpose.

Curators of the exhibition: Jelizaveta Sedler and Reeli Kõiv

Exhibition is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

15.09.2022 — 29.09.2022

“Dear Friend” at EKA Gallery 15.–29.09.2022

15–29 September 2022
Opening. 15.09 at 6 pm
EKA Gallery, Estonian Academy of Arts


Dear Friend,


We have been thinking about you and we are looking forward to meeting you at the Dear Friend exhibition from 15–29 September 2022 at EKA Gallery. We hope you have time to pass by! The gallery doors open on 15 September at 18:00. 


Since 2019 we have been writing, folding, publishing, sharing and posting the Dear Friend publication. There are four seasons of published letters. This Fall seemed like the right time to meet after a few years of correspondence. It is a chance to talk about publishing, writing, small publications, doing things together, and why not just about how we are doing. 


The exhibition features all the published Dear Friend letters. The letters are available for you to read, take home or mail to another friend. Next to the letters there are projects and publications by our penfriends. These are mostly publications that connect with the Dear Friend project contextually, formally, community-wise and beyond borders. 


There is also a public programme that includes presentations of periodical publications and books; from 20–23 September readings and recordings of letters, programme Tracks as envelopes by oH radio; 24 September Dear Friend symposium, a day full of presentations and discussions; 29 September Dear Friend letter writing workshop and more. 


A catalogue will be published alongside the exhibition, with contributions by Singapore-based design writer Justin Zhuang, designer and writer Else Lagerspetz, and artist Lieven Lahaye. It will include published letters and a selection of photos of the activities. The book launch will take place at the symposium on 24 September. 


16–29 September, EKA Gallery

16.09 17:00 artist Lieven Lahaye presents a new issue of Catalog

20.09–23.09 11:00–13:00 & 14:00–16:00 oH radio’s Tracks as envelopes, public readings of Dear Friend letters in the exhibition space. Come read one! 

22.09 18:00 presentation of Exercises in Practical Mischievery by Laura Pappa, Carlo Canun, Maki Suzuki

24.09 12:00–17:00 Dear Friend symposium and catalogue presentation. Come and join!

28.09 18:30 launch of the All Horses Are the Same Colour by EKA GD MA students 

29.09 18:00 Dear Friend letter writing workshop. Please join! 



24 September 12:00–18:00, EKA Gallery

Dear Friend symposium is a gathering where we explore practices and questions around experimental and self-publishing, mailing as a form of publishing, and design as writing through presentations and discussions. 

Symposium is held in English. 

12:00 Gathering

12:30 Presentation Undisclosed Relations, Henk Groenendijk 

Henk Groenendijk travels from Sofia, Bulgaria to open some boxes full of student publications, a selection of works from the Test Press exhibition, and copies of Test Press magazine. Henk will tell us about his library and collection of student publications and the links that are perhaps not visible. The connections are in the books, posters, and other paraphernalia. 

Heni Groenendijk is a collector, educator, and curator of Test Press Books. He worked as a professor at the Graphic Design Department of Gerrit Rietveld Academie and initiated the Rietveld & Sandberg Library Publications Archive. 

13:00 “A Lecture on Nothing: on the Legibility of Illegible Text”, Arja Karhumaa

What do typographic texts consist of? How does typography relate to language, image, and writing? How do you read illegible text? What is type beyond only form, as part of our coexistence and social environment? This performative talk has no answers to these questions but aims to stay with the trouble they make.

Arja Karhumaa is a text designer, a feral academic, and a language animal. She is Assistant Professor and Head of Programme in Visual Communication Design at Aalto University ARTS, Finland. 

13:30 open discussion

14:00–15:00 break/lunch

15:00 Presentation about de Appel’s publication The Remote Archivist, Nell Donkers

Nell Donkers, archivist of de Appel in Amsterdam will talk about The Remote Archivist, a recurring (one-page folded poster) publication from the Archive. There are four series of the publication that have been presented so far. The aim is to invite artists, thinkers, and readers to dive deeper into the archive and recalibrate the archive materials for their own practice. Bardhi Haliti is the designer of the project and of de Appel’s house style. 

Nell Donkers has managed the archive (library, archive, and collection) of De Appel in Amsterdam since 2002 and made it digitally accessible. 

15:30 Talk about Queer.Archive.Work and the resting reader, Paul Soulellis

Paul Soulellis’ talk will present his work at the nonprofit library, publishing studio, and residency Queer.Archive.Work in Providence, US with a focus on collectivity in the context of independent publishing. The resting reader is a book of texts and images assembled from source material found on the shelves of the Queer.Archive.Work library. The content was selected during the rise of the COVID-19 Omicron variant in December 2021, around the loose themes of rest, quiet, care, queer, sanctuary, reflection, collective, and generosity. 

Paul Soulellis is an artist and educator based in Providence, RI. His practice includes teaching, writing, and experimental publishing, with a focus on queer methodologies and network culture. 

16:00 open discussion

17:00 presentation of the Dear Friend catalogue, Ott Kagovere and Sandra Nuut

Ott Kagovere is a Tallinn-based graphic designer and the Head of the Department of Graphic Design at the Estonian Academy of Arts. 

Sandra Nuut is a curator at the Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design. Previously she worked at the Estonian Academy of Arts and New York-based gallery Chamber. 


Exhibition concept/curation: 

Ott Kagovere & Sandra Nuut

Exhibition design

Ulla Alla & Nika Gabiskiria

Letters by
Alicia Ajayi, Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey, Claudia Doms, Nell Donkers, Maarin Ektermann, Rosen Eveleigh, Maryam Fanni, Saara Hannus, Eik Hermann, Paul John, Maria Juur, Ott Kagovere, Maarja Kangro, Arja Karhumaa, Kristina Ketola Bore, Nicole Killian, Rachel Kinbar, Tuomas Kortteinen, Keiu Krikmann, Kadri Laas, Else Lagerspetz, Lieven Lahaye, James Langdon, Jungmyung Lee, Kai Lobjakas, Michelle Millar Fisher, Maria Muuk, Sheere Ng, Sandra Nuut, Laura Pappa, Jack Self, Indrek Sirkel, Paul Soulellis, Triin Tamm, Laura Toots, Alice Twemlow, Loore Viires, Sean Yendrys, Justin Zhuang

Letter visuals by 

Mai Bauvald, Pärtel Eelmere, Martina Gofman, Kersti Heile, Laura Merendi, Mikk Oja, Rex, Johanna Ruukholm, Robin Siimann

Thank you

Andres Alliksaar, Louis Biasin, Rita Davis, Pärtel Eelmere, Maarin Ektermann, Mark Foss, Triin Jerlei, Mette Mari Kaljas, Kaur Karu, Kertu Klementi, Else Lagerspetz, Rasmus Lukas, Laura Merendi, Anete Ots, Laura Pappa, Steven Pikas, Lola Maria Pärna, Emma Reim, Filipp Rotšenkov, Maret Sarapu, Georg Ander Sild, Indrek Sirkel, Mariliis Tarja, Ljubov Terukova, Taylor Tex Tehan, Laura Tursk, Pille-Riin Valk 


Detailed program: facebook.com/events/440404928139944/440701844776919

Dear Friend web archive: https://gd.artun.ee/dearfriend/ 


Supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Academy of Arts, European Regional Development Fund


See you soon!

Sandra & Ott

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

“Dear Friend” at EKA Gallery 15.–29.09.2022

Thursday 15 September, 2022 — Thursday 29 September, 2022

15–29 September 2022
Opening. 15.09 at 6 pm
EKA Gallery, Estonian Academy of Arts


Dear Friend,


We have been thinking about you and we are looking forward to meeting you at the Dear Friend exhibition from 15–29 September 2022 at EKA Gallery. We hope you have time to pass by! The gallery doors open on 15 September at 18:00. 


Since 2019 we have been writing, folding, publishing, sharing and posting the Dear Friend publication. There are four seasons of published letters. This Fall seemed like the right time to meet after a few years of correspondence. It is a chance to talk about publishing, writing, small publications, doing things together, and why not just about how we are doing. 


The exhibition features all the published Dear Friend letters. The letters are available for you to read, take home or mail to another friend. Next to the letters there are projects and publications by our penfriends. These are mostly publications that connect with the Dear Friend project contextually, formally, community-wise and beyond borders. 


There is also a public programme that includes presentations of periodical publications and books; from 20–23 September readings and recordings of letters, programme Tracks as envelopes by oH radio; 24 September Dear Friend symposium, a day full of presentations and discussions; 29 September Dear Friend letter writing workshop and more. 


A catalogue will be published alongside the exhibition, with contributions by Singapore-based design writer Justin Zhuang, designer and writer Else Lagerspetz, and artist Lieven Lahaye. It will include published letters and a selection of photos of the activities. The book launch will take place at the symposium on 24 September. 


16–29 September, EKA Gallery

16.09 17:00 artist Lieven Lahaye presents a new issue of Catalog

20.09–23.09 11:00–13:00 & 14:00–16:00 oH radio’s Tracks as envelopes, public readings of Dear Friend letters in the exhibition space. Come read one! 

22.09 18:00 presentation of Exercises in Practical Mischievery by Laura Pappa, Carlo Canun, Maki Suzuki

24.09 12:00–17:00 Dear Friend symposium and catalogue presentation. Come and join!

28.09 18:30 launch of the All Horses Are the Same Colour by EKA GD MA students 

29.09 18:00 Dear Friend letter writing workshop. Please join! 



24 September 12:00–18:00, EKA Gallery

Dear Friend symposium is a gathering where we explore practices and questions around experimental and self-publishing, mailing as a form of publishing, and design as writing through presentations and discussions. 

Symposium is held in English. 

12:00 Gathering

12:30 Presentation Undisclosed Relations, Henk Groenendijk 

Henk Groenendijk travels from Sofia, Bulgaria to open some boxes full of student publications, a selection of works from the Test Press exhibition, and copies of Test Press magazine. Henk will tell us about his library and collection of student publications and the links that are perhaps not visible. The connections are in the books, posters, and other paraphernalia. 

Heni Groenendijk is a collector, educator, and curator of Test Press Books. He worked as a professor at the Graphic Design Department of Gerrit Rietveld Academie and initiated the Rietveld & Sandberg Library Publications Archive. 

13:00 “A Lecture on Nothing: on the Legibility of Illegible Text”, Arja Karhumaa

What do typographic texts consist of? How does typography relate to language, image, and writing? How do you read illegible text? What is type beyond only form, as part of our coexistence and social environment? This performative talk has no answers to these questions but aims to stay with the trouble they make.

Arja Karhumaa is a text designer, a feral academic, and a language animal. She is Assistant Professor and Head of Programme in Visual Communication Design at Aalto University ARTS, Finland. 

13:30 open discussion

14:00–15:00 break/lunch

15:00 Presentation about de Appel’s publication The Remote Archivist, Nell Donkers

Nell Donkers, archivist of de Appel in Amsterdam will talk about The Remote Archivist, a recurring (one-page folded poster) publication from the Archive. There are four series of the publication that have been presented so far. The aim is to invite artists, thinkers, and readers to dive deeper into the archive and recalibrate the archive materials for their own practice. Bardhi Haliti is the designer of the project and of de Appel’s house style. 

Nell Donkers has managed the archive (library, archive, and collection) of De Appel in Amsterdam since 2002 and made it digitally accessible. 

15:30 Talk about Queer.Archive.Work and the resting reader, Paul Soulellis

Paul Soulellis’ talk will present his work at the nonprofit library, publishing studio, and residency Queer.Archive.Work in Providence, US with a focus on collectivity in the context of independent publishing. The resting reader is a book of texts and images assembled from source material found on the shelves of the Queer.Archive.Work library. The content was selected during the rise of the COVID-19 Omicron variant in December 2021, around the loose themes of rest, quiet, care, queer, sanctuary, reflection, collective, and generosity. 

Paul Soulellis is an artist and educator based in Providence, RI. His practice includes teaching, writing, and experimental publishing, with a focus on queer methodologies and network culture. 

16:00 open discussion

17:00 presentation of the Dear Friend catalogue, Ott Kagovere and Sandra Nuut

Ott Kagovere is a Tallinn-based graphic designer and the Head of the Department of Graphic Design at the Estonian Academy of Arts. 

Sandra Nuut is a curator at the Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design. Previously she worked at the Estonian Academy of Arts and New York-based gallery Chamber. 


Exhibition concept/curation: 

Ott Kagovere & Sandra Nuut

Exhibition design

Ulla Alla & Nika Gabiskiria

Letters by
Alicia Ajayi, Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey, Claudia Doms, Nell Donkers, Maarin Ektermann, Rosen Eveleigh, Maryam Fanni, Saara Hannus, Eik Hermann, Paul John, Maria Juur, Ott Kagovere, Maarja Kangro, Arja Karhumaa, Kristina Ketola Bore, Nicole Killian, Rachel Kinbar, Tuomas Kortteinen, Keiu Krikmann, Kadri Laas, Else Lagerspetz, Lieven Lahaye, James Langdon, Jungmyung Lee, Kai Lobjakas, Michelle Millar Fisher, Maria Muuk, Sheere Ng, Sandra Nuut, Laura Pappa, Jack Self, Indrek Sirkel, Paul Soulellis, Triin Tamm, Laura Toots, Alice Twemlow, Loore Viires, Sean Yendrys, Justin Zhuang

Letter visuals by 

Mai Bauvald, Pärtel Eelmere, Martina Gofman, Kersti Heile, Laura Merendi, Mikk Oja, Rex, Johanna Ruukholm, Robin Siimann

Thank you

Andres Alliksaar, Louis Biasin, Rita Davis, Pärtel Eelmere, Maarin Ektermann, Mark Foss, Triin Jerlei, Mette Mari Kaljas, Kaur Karu, Kertu Klementi, Else Lagerspetz, Rasmus Lukas, Laura Merendi, Anete Ots, Laura Pappa, Steven Pikas, Lola Maria Pärna, Emma Reim, Filipp Rotšenkov, Maret Sarapu, Georg Ander Sild, Indrek Sirkel, Mariliis Tarja, Ljubov Terukova, Taylor Tex Tehan, Laura Tursk, Pille-Riin Valk 


Detailed program: facebook.com/events/440404928139944/440701844776919

Dear Friend web archive: https://gd.artun.ee/dearfriend/ 


Supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Academy of Arts, European Regional Development Fund


See you soon!

Sandra & Ott

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

11.08.2022 — 10.09.2022

Kristel Zimmer “The Rite of Spring” at EKA Gallery 11.08–10.09.2022

Join us for the opening of Kristel Zimmer’s solo show “The Rite of Spring” on August 11 at 4 pm at EKA Gallery! The exhibition is curated by Ene-Liis Semper and on view until September 10.


From the beginning, the body and physicality have been one of Kristel Zimmer’s themes. Her earlier works were more involved with the surreal and penetrating the darkest part of the subconsciousness. However, in the “The Rite of Spring” series, the brighter and more immediate side of being can also be perceived.
“The Rite of Spring” celebrates pure physical presence while at the same time opening the deeper layers of being behind feminine physicality.
Kristel does not use digital manipulation in her work but experiments with the field of view limited by the lens and different points of view. Therefore, her creation is also a performance carried out in front of the camera, in which the viewer can partake through the video medium.


Kristel Zimmer (b.1997) is a young artist and performer, currently studying in the Estonian Academy of Arts, Scenography MA. Her previous artistic activity has with the artists´ group dassemperdepot.


Ene-Liis Semper (b. 1969) is an Estonian video and installation artist and theatre director. Her works almost always involve a kind of duality, maintaining a precisely measured cognitive balance between seriousness and irony. The artist interacts with the viewer through testing the limits of both physical and psychological space.

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

Kristel Zimmer “The Rite of Spring” at EKA Gallery 11.08–10.09.2022

Thursday 11 August, 2022 — Saturday 10 September, 2022

Join us for the opening of Kristel Zimmer’s solo show “The Rite of Spring” on August 11 at 4 pm at EKA Gallery! The exhibition is curated by Ene-Liis Semper and on view until September 10.


From the beginning, the body and physicality have been one of Kristel Zimmer’s themes. Her earlier works were more involved with the surreal and penetrating the darkest part of the subconsciousness. However, in the “The Rite of Spring” series, the brighter and more immediate side of being can also be perceived.
“The Rite of Spring” celebrates pure physical presence while at the same time opening the deeper layers of being behind feminine physicality.
Kristel does not use digital manipulation in her work but experiments with the field of view limited by the lens and different points of view. Therefore, her creation is also a performance carried out in front of the camera, in which the viewer can partake through the video medium.


Kristel Zimmer (b.1997) is a young artist and performer, currently studying in the Estonian Academy of Arts, Scenography MA. Her previous artistic activity has with the artists´ group dassemperdepot.


Ene-Liis Semper (b. 1969) is an Estonian video and installation artist and theatre director. Her works almost always involve a kind of duality, maintaining a precisely measured cognitive balance between seriousness and irony. The artist interacts with the viewer through testing the limits of both physical and psychological space.

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

21.06.2022 — 22.06.2022


This year, the graduation party takes place on 21th of June, starting from 19:00 in the EKA Gallery.

In addition to the graduating students, all other students, graduates and staff are welcome to attend. To kick off the party, there will be a drag show followed by the band Arg Part.

After the band, DJs will take over. The EKA X SVETA BAR will be serving both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks all night long. Guests can also capture the night in the photobooth which will be installed next to the gallery. 

The EKA Grad Party is hosted by EKA Student Council


19:00 – beginning of the party 

19:30-21:00 – Drag Show

21:00-23:00 – Arg Part

23:00-00:00 – DJ Silikaat

00:00-03:00 — DJ YALLAH b2b DJ HOLY MOUNTAIN 

Event on Facebook

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


Tuesday 21 June, 2022 — Wednesday 22 June, 2022

This year, the graduation party takes place on 21th of June, starting from 19:00 in the EKA Gallery.

In addition to the graduating students, all other students, graduates and staff are welcome to attend. To kick off the party, there will be a drag show followed by the band Arg Part.

After the band, DJs will take over. The EKA X SVETA BAR will be serving both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks all night long. Guests can also capture the night in the photobooth which will be installed next to the gallery. 

The EKA Grad Party is hosted by EKA Student Council


19:00 – beginning of the party 

19:30-21:00 – Drag Show

21:00-23:00 – Arg Part

23:00-00:00 – DJ Silikaat

00:00-03:00 — DJ YALLAH b2b DJ HOLY MOUNTAIN 

Event on Facebook

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


Gelatin performance “PROTOPOPO POFORMANCOEPOST” at EKA Gallery 28.06.2022 at 7 pm

28.06 at 7 pm
EKA Gallery, Kotzebue 1


Join us for the event “PROTOPOPO POFORMANCOEPOST“ by the legendary performers of the contemporary artists’ group Gelatin! 


You are warmly welcome to witness live stage activities around the topics of physical, subliminal and abstract proximity; on nearness, warmth, propinquity, peculiar behaviour and distance in general. The performance is an outcome of a three-day workshop given by Gelatin with six EKA students.


The group comprises the artists Ali Janka, Florian Reither, Tobias Urban, and Wolfgang Gantner, who first met at summer camp in 1978. They formed Gelatin in the 1990s in Vienna, Austria, and began exhibiting internationally in 1993.

Characterized by disparate yet unifying backgrounds, Gelatin perform their practice at the fragile crossroads of humour, spontaneity, childlike naiveté, and blatant sexuality, which has given rise to their over-the-top performances and visually enticing work. Anticipating relational aesthetics, Gelatin plays with audience participation and collaboration as a central tenet of their oeuvre. Attitudes become form, and viewers are invited to join in, defying routine behaviour while enjoying art from a new perspective.




Supported by Estonian Cultural Endowment, Erasmus

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink

Gelatin performance “PROTOPOPO POFORMANCOEPOST” at EKA Gallery 28.06.2022 at 7 pm

Tuesday 28 June, 2022

28.06 at 7 pm
EKA Gallery, Kotzebue 1


Join us for the event “PROTOPOPO POFORMANCOEPOST“ by the legendary performers of the contemporary artists’ group Gelatin! 


You are warmly welcome to witness live stage activities around the topics of physical, subliminal and abstract proximity; on nearness, warmth, propinquity, peculiar behaviour and distance in general. The performance is an outcome of a three-day workshop given by Gelatin with six EKA students.


The group comprises the artists Ali Janka, Florian Reither, Tobias Urban, and Wolfgang Gantner, who first met at summer camp in 1978. They formed Gelatin in the 1990s in Vienna, Austria, and began exhibiting internationally in 1993.

Characterized by disparate yet unifying backgrounds, Gelatin perform their practice at the fragile crossroads of humour, spontaneity, childlike naiveté, and blatant sexuality, which has given rise to their over-the-top performances and visually enticing work. Anticipating relational aesthetics, Gelatin plays with audience participation and collaboration as a central tenet of their oeuvre. Attitudes become form, and viewers are invited to join in, defying routine behaviour while enjoying art from a new perspective.




Supported by Estonian Cultural Endowment, Erasmus

Posted by Pire Sova — Permalink