Category: Departments


Fashion student exhibition promotion picked as Postimees daily’s advertisement of the month

The best print ad in June was one for the EAA fashion students’ experimental form exhibition, “Unworldly”. The visual element was based on both ...

Unworldly forms at the Tallinn TV Tower

On 10 May, experimental forms designed by students in the fashion design speciality will appear at “sky level” at the Tallinn TV Tower. They took ...
ETNO in Ida-Viru County

ETNO in Ida-Viru County

An ethno-fashion show for Estonian Academy of Arts fashion students is taking place in Jõhvi Concert Hall’s glass gallery on 7 May as part of an ...
habitus baltija 2016

EAA students triumphs at “Habitus Baltija 2016”!

Estonian Academy of Arts fashion students were victorious at the Habitus Baltija 2016fashion show held in Riga on 7-8 April. Third-year ...

Sound and Video Installation during Tallinn Music Week 2017

During Tallinn Music Week our new media students Sten Saarits, Liisi Küla and Aivar Tõnso participate with the sound and video installation ...

Karl Saks won the Estonian Theatre Dance Price

New media student Karl Saks won the Estonian Theatre Dance Price of the year 2016. The Estonian Theatre Prize Gala took place a March, 27th 2017 ...

Kaarel Kurismaa, Raul Keller, Mari-Liis Rebane and Karl Saks “TAIMER”

At this exhibition, there are quite a few timers that tick, hum, sing or otherwise sound the time, along with four artists of various ages that ...


At Saturday December, 12th 2016 takes place the master student’s semester exhibition MIMIKRI at the Waiting Hall of the Tallinn Baltic Train ...

Kontsert Teistmoodi Harmooniad II

Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre presents: Different Harmonies II Hans-Gunter Lock
 Concerto for solo violin and chamber ensemble (World ...