Category: Departments



The Faculty of Architecture at the Estonian Academy of Arts (EAA) is renewing its PhD program. The development of an internationally competitive ...
Make Your Own Press in KUMU, April 4, 2014

Make Your Own Press in KUMU, April 4, 2014

A one-day seminar on independent artist’s book publishing on Friday, April 4 at 12:00 at the auditorium of Kumu Art Museum. Presentations ...
Šoti õppejõu Suzanne Martini töötuba AN EXERCISE IN UNCERTAINTY: design for a changing world

Design as Revolution – a workshop led by Suzanne Martin

Workshop interprets the role of design and designers Anno 2014. The purpose of this workshop is to encourage the idea to create tools and ...
Rode Imaging Event

Rode Imaging Event

The retable of St Nicholas’ Church in Tallinn is one of the most magnificent and best preserved late medieval Northern German altarpieces ...
Rode Imaging Event

Rode Imaging Event

The retable of St Nicholas’ Church in Tallinn is one of the most magnificent and best preserved late medieval Northern German altarpieces in ...
Thunder & Lightning

Thunder & Lightning

On Friday, March 14, 18.00, the thrid year of the graphic design department will present the results of a week-long workshop by Nina Paim. The ...