Category: Faculty of Design


Design students of the Estonian Academy of Arts reach out to the international markets

On 13th December, the MA-students from fashion, textile, accessories’ and jewellery design at the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) will get a rare ...

EKA is hosting CIRRUS network meeting on March 18 – 20, 2020

EKA is hosting CIRRUS network annual network meeting and Teachers seminar titled “New Skills. Preparing for Uncertainty” between ...
Oled sa mõelnud töökohale andmevahetuse kriminaalses võrgustikus? Tulevikus saab isikuandmetest seoses privaatsuse väärtustamisega digimaailmas oluline ressurss, mille tulemusel laieneb digikaupade must turg ja küberkuritegevus.

What if Think Tanks Were Operated by the Public?

This interview revolves around Special Programs Think Tank – an experimental futures-visioning workshop led by  Elliott P. Montgomery and ...

Kristiina Uslar has been nominated for the seventh annual Irvin Borowsky International Prize in Glass Arts at University of the Arts in Philadelphia

Kristiina Uslar has been nominated for the seventh annual Irvin Borowsky International Prize in Glass Arts at University of the Arts in ...

92Y announces its third annual jewelry artist in residence: Claudia Lepik from EKA

92nd Street Y is pleased to announce the selection of the Jewelry Center’s third annual Artist in Residence, Claudia Lepik. She is an Estonian ...

Exhibithion “Setsessioon”

The Contemporary Jewellery and Metal Art exhibition SETSESSIOON (SECESSION) will be opening on Friday, 31st of May at 6 PM in the Põhjala factory ...

Open Lecture on Design: Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby

If reality is not given, but made, then can it be unmade and remade? How might design practice serve as a laboratory for publicly exploring the ...

EKA’s success in Nordplus Higher Education Programme for 2019/20

EKA was successful in applying for projects, mobility and networking in Nordplus Higher Education Programme for 2019/20 with three main networks: ...

Piret Ellamaa won Honorable Mentions Prize

Piret Ellamaa won Honorable Mentions Prize in Glass Art Society`s year conference. Exhibition took place  in the Morean Art Center St. Petersburg ...