Category: Faculty of Design

ETNO summer camp

ETNO summer camp

Second year for fashion students is starting with a traditional summer camp with Anu Raud at Heimtal Museum. Students will have five days of ...

Fashion student exhibition promotion picked as Postimees daily’s advertisement of the month

The best print ad in June was one for the EAA fashion students’ experimental form exhibition, “Unworldly”. The visual element was based on both ...

Unworldly forms at the Tallinn TV Tower

On 10 May, experimental forms designed by students in the fashion design speciality will appear at “sky level” at the Tallinn TV Tower. They took ...
ETNO in Ida-Viru County

ETNO in Ida-Viru County

An ethno-fashion show for Estonian Academy of Arts fashion students is taking place in Jõhvi Concert Hall’s glass gallery on 7 May as part of an ...
habitus baltija 2016

EAA students triumphs at “Habitus Baltija 2016”!

Estonian Academy of Arts fashion students were victorious at the Habitus Baltija 2016fashion show held in Riga on 7-8 April. Third-year ...

ERASMUS+ programme 30 

ERASMUS+ programme is celebrating 30 years anniversary this year. Estonian Academy of Arts has participated in the programme since 1999, when ...
IP seminar for EAA members takes place on 4.04 at 15.00

IP seminar for EAA members takes place on 4.04 at 15.00

All EAA members are welcome to participate in the seminar of intellectual property on the 4th of April at 15.00-16.00 in a room 440A in Estonia pst 7.


How many pOSTcards have you already sent?

We have launched a postcard campaign to inform friends, relatives, families about the EKA Open Doors Day on 23 March, 2017. Please join us in ...
Estonian Academy of Arts excels as top 200 art & design university in QS World Ranking, being the only one from the Eastern European region

Estonian Academy of Arts excels as top 200 art & design university in QS World Ranking, being the only one from the Eastern European region

The British education consultancy company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) has released its World University Rankings by Subject 2017, which ranks ...