Category: Faculty of Design

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Product Designer Form Karolin Eks

Name: Karolin Eks Position: Wanderer Connection with EKA: 2nd year digital product design student, organizer of design workshops. 1.What projects ...
Pea_Foto_Priit Kangur

Product Designer Form: Priit Kangur

In the January product designer form, we introduce our cheerful master’s student Priit Kangur. Priit is a student with a practical mind and eager ...
Beata Batejev

Product Designer Form: Beata Batejeva

In the November Product Designer Form, we introduce Beata Batejev, who likes to experiment, enjoys creating models and has discovered the charms ...

Learning art/design/architecture in 2045 would feel like…?

Dear students/teachers/academics in EKA – what will teaching/learning look like in 2045? Come to participate in labs that ponder ...
Anette Jaaniso. Foto: Erakogu.

Product Design Form: Anette Jaaniso

The October Product Design Form takes us to the digital landscape with Anette Jaaniso. In terms of digital experiments so far, Anette has been ...
Tudengid Soomes.

Industrial and digital product design students study trip to Finland

In the last days of September, students in the 2nd year of Industrial and Digital Product Design of EKA went on a study trip to Finland as part ...
Argo Tamm keskkonnahoidliku istemööbli prototüübil

Argo Tamme’s diploma thesis in an article in Eesti Päevaleht

When autumn arrives, we again spend more time at home on the sofa, without paying any attention to the large carbon footprint of upholstered ...

Liisa Torsus in the Final of the Dorothy Waxman International Textile Design Prize

Textile artist Liisa Torsus, an alumna of EKA textiles, received an honorable mention in the final of the Dorothy Waxman International Textile ...
Mõtus Lõmaš Kama

Product Design Form: Mõtus Lõmaš Kama

The Product Designer Form will start the new academic year still in the echo of the previous year. The September questionnaire was filled out by ...
CIRRUS meeting aug 2022 EKA

CIRRUS network meeting in EKA

What is CIRRUS about and how is it connected to EKA? Rachel Troye (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, AHO) and Maria Göransdotter ...