Category: Faculty of Art and Culture



The Estonian-Latvian joint LIFE project (LIFE20 NAT/EE/000074) “Restoring and promoting a long-term sustainable management of Fennoscandian ...
TASE 2022 avamine EKA_foto Evert Palmets00

GALLERY: TASE ’22 Graduation Show

On May 27,  the Estonian Academy of Arts’ Graduation Show TASE ’22 opened, the focus of which is an exhibition of graduation works. Along with ...

FAST45 Public Lecture III – Shift/Work: A Paragogics for Open Artistic Learning

FAST45 Public Lecture III – Shift/Work: A Paragogics for Open Artistic Learning Presented by Prof. Neil Mulholland 25 March, 2022 12:00 – ...

FAST Forward Webinar #1 – Exploring Art School Futures

Exploring Art School Futures – webinar! 10 March @ 18:00 – 19:00 CET Hosted by LUCA School of Arts Register to join FAST45 is a ...
Life IP Buildest


In view of Estonia’s climate goals, the Estonian Academy of Arts participates in the international project Life IP BUILDEST (2021 – ...
Valgetähe orden Marge Monko Hilkka Hiiop_foto Solveig Jahnke

Order of the White Star to Marge Monko and Hilkka Hiiop

On the eve of the anniversary of the Republic, Estonian artists will be recognized with decorations. Marge Monko, an internationally successful ...

Modernization of the Manor Portal

The aim of the project is to modernize and develop the databases of Estonian manors, including, into a multi-level digital platform for ...
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Estonian MA students in visual culture and its preservation regathered for a joint seminar

A transdisciplinary seminar bringing together MA students from Estonian universities dealing with art history, visual culture, curating, ...

Academy of Arts to get UNESCO chair

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay and Rector of the Estonian Academy of Arts Mart Kalm signed a cooperation agreement with the Department of ...

International Workshop on Cleaning Stone Objects and Wall Paintings

The workshop which took place in Tallinn and Koeru from 29.08 – 02.09.2021 was dedicated to different methods and approaches in cleaning of stone ...