Category: Architecture and Urban Design

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The Joint Building of Ministries – Studio V, 2015/2016

You can find the booklet here. The booklet presents the specialty projects of the subject Architectural Design completed by third year students ...

Rummu Leisure Center. Studio Project IV, 2015/2016

You can find the booklet here. The second-year students’ spring term project focussed on the lake in the former limestone quarry in the small ...

Private House. Studio Project. II, 2015/2016

You can find the booklet here. The aim of the specialty project “A Private House” of the second-year students of architecture and urban design ...

Shelter. Studio Project II, 2015/2016

You can read the booklet here. The aim of the first-year students’ spring term task is to introduce the prerequisites, reasons and possibilities ...

Virtual Prototyping with an Application to the Mass-customization of Architecture, Design and Art

The aim of the project was to develop and experiment with the application of virtual reality (VR) and mass-customization technologies inside the ...
Tallinna linnakeskuse kasutusaktiivsus

EKA presents research results: Could data be used to build a better Tallinn?

On Friday, June 21, starting at 9.30, the Estonian Academy of Arts will present another stage of the research project focusing on Tallinn’s ...


At the request of Sport OÜ, the Faculty of Architecture of EAA created a web-based configurator for a modular apartment building. The goal of the ...

vehicle trailer modular cottage

In cooperation with Gap OÜ, an architectural concept solution was created for an autonomous building towed by a trailer, which would be usable ...

Unfinished City – 4th semester – Centers

PRESENTATION VIDEO: Take a look at the public presentation of the results of the 4th semester of the Unfinished City research project at the ...