Category: Making Space

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EKA Interior Architecture 2022: Master’s Theses Defence Ceremony

The presentation and defense of this year’s master’s theses of the Department of Interior Architecture will take place on June 6 from ...
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Semele Kari awarded Tallinn City’s scholarship

Semele Kari, our master’s student at the Department of Interior Architecture of the Estonian Academy of Arts, was awarded the Tallinn City ...

PESA: a columbarium for Vilsandi Island

During the last year, the students of the Department of Interior Architecture of EKA have worked, tutored by Ardo Hiiuväin, an interior architect ...
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The interior architecture students of EKA won the competition for the redesign of for the Bank of Estonia large hall

A team of interior architecture students of the Estonian Academy of Arts won a competition organised by the Bank of Estona, the aim of which was ...
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Caring for Ida-Viru? Tracing Frontiers of Shrinkage

Caring for Ida-Viru?  Tracing Frontiers of Shrinkage We kindly invite you to the exhibition and final grading of Urban Studies and Interior ...

Master studio. From sacred space to generous space

Master students in interior architecture have just completed a 10-day master’s studio under the direction of interior designer Tom ...

Spatial design by EKA interior architecture students at Estonian National Museum exhibition

The students of the 2nd year of the bachelor’s study in interior architecture focussed on creating inclusive exhibition spaces, tutored by ...
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Our first-year BA students just finished a two-week small objects workshop tutored by Pavle Stamenović (AFUB, Serbia). Titled Enthusiastic ...


MASTER’S THESES Kirke Kalamats – Amplifying social fabric on the example of a guides’ campsite A sign of a polarized society is the opposition of ...

Open until 5th June: Exhibition A Tale of Persistence: Expanding on Decline in Ida-Virumaa

In Ida-Virumaa, the politics of the climate neutral futures, the deprived status quo and the infrastructures inherited from the past intensively ...