Category: Research and Development Office


Multi-Sensory Design for Somatic WellBeing

Multi-Sensory Design for Somatic WellBeing based on the idea of delving into the realm of bodily sensations can unlock fresh perspectives on our ...
Muutuste juhtijad 1

Change Agents – Blueprints for Inter-institutional Collaborations in Social Design

Partners: Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Hungary Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Estonia Fundacio Privada Elisava Escola Universitaria, Spain ...
H2sti rest m2lestis Garnisoni 10 Kuressaare_2017 (1)

LIFE heritageHOME

The LIFE heritageHOME project focuses on the energy performance improvement of residential (single or multi-family buildings) listed buildings ...
EKA 109 keraamika 100

Today marks the 109th anniversary of the Estonian Academy of Arts and the 100th anniversary of ceramics education

Today, the Estonian Academy of Arts celebrates its 109th anniversary and the 100th anniversary of ceramics studies with a gathering to which all ...
Jaana Päeva

Experience-driven practice-based research on handbag design principles

The project focuses on exploring experience-driven design principles that extend the product lifespan by using emotional attachment. This ...

With the support of EAS a team of EKA students is developing a building system using straw panels

In spring this year, EAS announced funding for engineering students. One of the selected projects was – “Development of a modular system 1+x, ...

Port Cities: Values and Sustainable Development

The follow-up project of the research Tallinn Old Town: Sustainable Management and Presentation. The aim of the project is to ensure the ...

Liveability – Designing Public Services for Resilient Neighbourhoods

January 2023 – December 2025 “Liveability – Designing Public Services for Resilient Neighbourhoods” Interreg BSR PROGRAMME 2021-2027 Priority: 1 ...
T4EU Students Kaunas

Transform 4 European Research and Innovation — T4ERI

As Transform4Europe (T4EU) is a university alliance of proven excellence in strategic collaboration between the universities and a wealth ...

Art Historical Contact Zones (EKA Research Grant, 2023–2024)

The project “Art Historical Contact Zones: Popular and Fictional Mediations of Art History in Estonia” explores the relationship between art ...