Category: Research and Development Office


Publishing the ‘History of Estonian Art’ (1999–2025)

Publishing the multi-volume History of Estonian Art was initiated in 1999. It is the longest-running research project of the Institute of Art ...
Image or Sign: A Phenomenological Study of Pictorial Representation (MOBJD, 2017–2020)

Image or Sign: A Phenomenological Study of Pictorial Representation (MOBJD, 2017–2020)

The aim of Regina-Nino Mion’s project is to defend the originality of Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological account of pictorial representation and ...

Readdressing Practices and Theories of Experimentation in the 20th- and 21st-Century Estonian Visual and Spatial Culture

The main aim of this project is to analyze experiment in Estonian visual and spatial culture, and to investigate its role in official economic ...
Remembering Difficult Knowledge in the Baltic Visual Culture (MOBJD, 2019–2021)

Remembering Difficult Knowledge in the Baltic Visual Culture (MOBJD, 2019–2021)

This research program focuses on how difficult knowledge has been transmitted in the visual culture of the Baltic States, in works of visual art, ...

Fashion SEEDS – Fashion Societal, Economic & Environmental Design-led Sustainability

Fashion SEEDS is a project led by world leading institutions in Fashion Education spanning over the course of three years. It seeks to develop a ...

Baltic German Identity and Heritage in Estonian Art Historiography (EKA Personal Grant, 2019–2020)

This personal research grant allows Kristina Jõekalda to go deeper into the interdisciplinary topics with which she has been dealing with in her ...

Bernt Notke: The Research and Conservation of the Retable of the Church of the Holy Spirit

The late medieval retable of the High Altar of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Tallinn, is an outstanding masterpiece of woodcarving and painting ...
Kohtuotsa vaateplavorm

Tallinn Old Town: Sustainable Management and Presentation

The aim of the research is to analyse the impact of increasing tourism on cultural heritage and to find solutions to promote Tallinn Old Town as ...
Intensive seminar in art history with Anthony Gardner

Intensive seminar in art history with Anthony Gardner

Intensive seminar in art history with Anthony Gardner “Exhibition Histories and Post-Socialism” Date and time: September: 24-27, at 15.00-18.00 ...