Category: Faculty of Architecture


New publication: Veljo Kaasik’s memoirs

You are invited to the presentation of architect Veljo Kaasik’s book Maal Linnas Tänaval Majas (In the Countryside, in the City, on the Street, ...

New publication: Veljo Kaasik’s memoirs

You are invited to the presentation of architect Veljo Kaasik’s book Maal Linnas Tänaval Majas (In the Countryside, in the City, on the ...

Open call for papers – Forum Wood Building Baltic 2024

The Timber Architecture Research Center PAKK and the Faculty of Architecture at the Estonian Academy of Arts together with the Tallinn University ...

Young architects’ idea: a tramway to Pärnu’s future city

In a four-day workshop held in Pärnu, young architects searched for future visions for the new district, which is planned to be built on the ...
Kuvatõmmisel Taavi Teevet

A New Generation are Graduating the Estonian Academy of Arts

The Estonian Academy of Arts is very pleased to announce that the graduation ceremonies for the current academic year will take place on June 21 ...
3D jalats (2)

3D printing wearable shoes

During the project, a 10-day intensive 3D shoe printing course will be organized in Tallinn, where BA and MA students and lecturers from the ...
EKA foto Tonu Tunnel

Green Office Certificate to the Estonian Academy of Arts first of Estonian Universities

The Estonian Academy of Arts was the first Estonian university to be recognized by the European Green Office. As of May 2, 2023, the Estonian ...

Siim Tanel Tõnisson received the Uesson scholarship ‘23

This year, the Anton Uesson scholarship of the city of Tallinn was won by Siim Tanel Tõnisson, a master’s student of architecture and urban ...

Supervisors and BA student Kairi Mändla part of Estonian pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale

The Estonian Pavilion for the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale is curated by the team consisting of Aet Ader (long-time supervisor of Building ...
1. koht_Linn-masin_visuaal 1

Mariann Drell is the winner of Tallinn – European Green Capital urban installation competition

Tallinn Strategic Management Office organized an installation competition as part of the “Green Footprint” spatial interventions ...