Category: Gallery


“Symptom” at EKA Gallery 06.10–29.10.2016

On Thursday, 6 October the EAA Gallery will be opening a new exhibition by four young jewellery artists, Hanna-Maria Vanaküla, Sofia Hallik, ...

“SAME” at EKA Gallery 12.08.–03.09.2016

“Same” by Ann Paljuväli and Ahti Sepsivart focuses on the entanglements of nature and architecture – two categories that have often ...
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“GD16 SHOW” at EKA Gallery 01.06.–22.06.2016

Works presented at the exhibition are the final projects by the graduating students made during the final semester. Among other works the ...
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“Don’t Go Faking My Art” at EKA Gallery 07.04.-30.04.2016

Kaisa Maasik’s and Ave Vellesalu’s joint exhibition “Don’t Go Faking My Art” investigates issues relating to copyright and counterfeiting. The ...
Place Oddity

“Place Oddity” at EKA Gallery 04.03.–02.04.2016

Ground control to Major Tom, I can hear my inner room – The exhibition invites the visitor to a journey through spatiality, temporality, and ...
Outdoor sign of EAA Gallery Space

Arterritory – Opening of the EAA gallery space
Gallery Night at EAA Gallery Space on 26th of November

Gallery Night at EAA Gallery Space on 26th of November

We would like to draw you attention to the Gallery Night on Wendesday 26th of November at EAA Gallery Space, Freedom Square 6/8. During Gallery ...