The Institute of Art History and Visual Culture (in Estonian KVI) is the only research institute in art history (Kunstwissenschaft) in Estonia, and a leading one in the Baltic States, covering a wide range of fields of study, from the medieval period to contemporary art.  KVI is a member of the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art, RIHA. The Institute was founded in 1992 as the Institute of Art History of the Tallinn Art University.

The Institute of Art History and Visual Culture serves both as a research and teaching institution, conducting major research projects in art history and providing education in all three academic levels.

The professors and faculty members in our Institute are top specialists in their fields and recognized experts; our graduates include Estonia’s leading younger generation curators, critics and art theoreticians. The Institute’s curriculum combines historical and object-centred approaches to art with excellent knowledge of theoretical viewpoints. Visual culture studies explore the pictorial and spatial environment, the connections between them, and their functioning society. The curriculum is supplemented by study trips and practical training.

The Institute’s MA programme offers three areas of specialization: Art History and Visual Culture StudiesMuseology or Curatorial Studies. The goal of the doctoral programme is to prepare high-level professionals who are able to work both as teaching or research staff members in the academic sphere and as top-level specialists outside it.

The aim of the Institute of Art History and Visual Culture is to offer a diverse, innovative and inspirational environment for study and research. Training in the speciality is supported by research conducted in the Institute, our research projects, conferences and publications.

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

Watch our Vimeo channel and lectures on EKA TV.

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News and events

Antanas Kmieliauskas (1932) created a fresco “Vilti” for _Vilties_ (Hope) pharmacy, 1982. (1)

PhD Thesis defence of Gregor Taul

On 1 July at 11:00 Gregor Taul will defend his thesis “Monumentality Trouble. Monumental-Decorative Art in Late Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania” (“Sekeldused monumentaalsusega. Monumentaal-dekoratiivkunst hilisnõukogude Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus”) The public defence will be held in EKA (Põhja pst 7), room A501. The defense will be broadcast on EKA TV. The defence is in English. Supervisor: ...
MUR Leedu performance

International Workshop “How to Reframe Monuments: Case Studies for Thinking Through Dissonant Heritage”

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has sparked debates and conflicts over Russian and Soviet monuments in the former Eastern Bloc and has also revitalized global discussions about dissonant heritage. This has created a new need and a new framework for comparisons – for comparing monuments, as well as their toppling and rebuilding in different parts of the world and historical contexts. ...
Eesti linnaehituse ajalugu 1918-2020 kaas fragment

Book presentation “History of Estonian urban construction 1918–2020”

We welcome you at the presentation of the book "History of Estonian Urban Planning 1918–2020" on Thursday, April 25 at 4 p.m. in the lobby of the Estonian Academy of Arts. The voluminous and richly illustrated book provides an overview of the last hundred years of Estonian urban planning. At that time, cities became the main residences of the population living here, and rapid urbanization ...

Lecture: Nineteenth-century Historicism and Historic Preservation: An Exceptional Case

On 25 March at 16.00, Associate Professor Richard Wittman (University of California, Santa Barbara) will give a public lecture “Nineteenth-century Historicism and Historic Preservation: An Exceptional Case” in room A403. Normative historiographies regarding heritage, historicism, architectural preservation, and related fields tend to explain the prevalence of these phenomena in the nineteenth ...
Avatud seminar Ebamugavad lood Hella Wuolijoki ja Asja Lācise juhtumid

Public Seminar: Uncomfortable Herstories. The cases of Hella Wuolijoki and Asja Lācis

Presenters: Jaana Kokko, Andris Brinkmanis Respondents: Anu Allas, Airi Triisberg  Moderators: Margaret Tali, Ieva Astahovska The political past, like the present, is often uncomfortable. In this public seminar we will revisit the lives and artistic work of two politically active women in order to rethink how we could open the discomfort their lives introduce and unpack it by focusing on two ...
L6op6llu Viies 2018-10-09 Keidi Saks (26) muinsuskaitseamet (1)

How to Reframe Monuments (Estonian Ministry of Culture grant, 2024–2026)

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has triggered debates about the Russian and Soviet heritage both globally and in Estonia. This has been accompanied by the toppling of monuments, as well as social conflicts and polarisation. The aim of the project “How to Reframe Monuments: Rethinking Dissonant Heritage in Estonia through Case Studies” is to bring together expertise and skills from ...