Bachelor’s studies

Accessory Design is one of the three majors (study specializations) in the BA-level joint curriculum “Fashion, Textile and Accessory Design“. The entrance exams are the same for all specializations. In the first semester all students under the design faculty study together. An introduction to the specialization is given, as well as courses in drawing, color theory, composition, and design theory. From the second semester on the studies are primarily specialization-oriented, including joint curriculum professional projects. The joint curriculum provides an opportunity to explore different approaches, materials, technologies, and workshops and implement them in one’s own projects. It is also possible to work in workshops of various departments (e.g. wood, metal, glass, graphic design, etc.) and collaborate with other departments both in the Faculty of Design and more broadly in the academy. The bachelor’s studies begin with learning the basics of the design process and acquiring technologies for the specialization. Verbal and written communication skills are developed. Students learn to develop an idea into a functional prototype or product. Work is carried out individually or in groups depending on the defined problem. Accessory projects focus on the design of bags, shoes, headwear, and gloves. Bookbinding projects focus on unique binding and product design related problems. Of importance are also the joint projects carried out with elective and adjacent specializations, theoretical courses, and internships. The Bachelor’s degree education concludes with a portfolio defense. What skills are acquired?
  • Problem-solving skills in design in the learned specialization and in a broader social and cultural context.
  • Understanding the design process and acquiring specialized technologies, the ability to articulate and express one’s ideas.
  • Collaboration skills with professionals in one’s own and other fields.
  • Theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the specialization that enable one to work in a company or start one’s own business.