Study trip to Lithuania

Visit to the Center for Contemporary Art

In the end of August, students from the Institute  of Art History and Visual culture with specialisation on Curatorial Studies visited the diverse art scene in Vilnius. In addition to a meeting with the host, Kestutis Kuizinas, Director of the Centre for Contemporary Art (CAC), they visited several museums and private galleries. Among other things, the legendary Lithuanian curator Laima Kreivyte took the students to the balcony where the country’s independence was proclaimed in 1918. At the Lithuanian National Museum of Art, a fascinating discussion on the reinterpretation of collections was held with director Lolita Jablonskienė. As a pleasant surprise, several exhibitions featured works by Estonian artists and the curators included Estonian names. For example, the exhibition “We Don’t Do This. Intimacy, Norms, and Fantasies in Baltic Art was curated by Rebeka Põldsam, representing Estonia, and Hold me tender at Meduza Gallery was curated by Siim Preiman. The exhibition of works by Leisi, Tabaka and Rožanskaitė, previously shown in Kumu, was also shown at the Vytautas Kasiulise Art Museum. Piret Arukaevu, Maria Yudina, Iris Peremees, Hanna Strauss and Katre Palm took part in an international study trip supervised by Maria Arusoo.

Funded by:

Laima Kreivyte
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Posted by Annika Tiko