Iohan Figueroa at Uus Rada Gallery

Uus Rada Galerii (Raja 11a)

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The exhibition “What happened to all the water in Venus” by Iohan Figueroa, opens at Uus Rada Gallerii (Raja 11a) At 17:00 Hrs
on 05.10.2024, The exhibition will remain open from Wednesdays to Saturdays,
from 13:00 to 19:00 until 19.10.2024

Liquid ideas that disappear fast,
slipping through the gaps of gaze,
almost impossible to grasp,
escaping in between my hands like drops of rain on a surface of glass.
They come and go, leaving behind a sensation —evaporating—
as if my mind has been drenched in something vast and unknowable.
Fluids dripping, never landing, never settling into a form,
always in motion, elusive, impossible to hold on.
The reflection reveals a distorted image, a dissolving glimpse,

reality is a blur, the lines between what is real and imagined
Always fade into a haze.
I stand in the unseen room of this and that but never fully one or the other, never
complete, never completely understood.
Nothing is solid. Everything is in constant change, a perpetual state of circularity.
Moments loop back on themselves, thoughts spiral – I lose track of beginnings and
I choose the softness of being, I am fluid, like the ideas slipping through my fingers,
like the water that shapes itself to whatever it finds.
What would be left if everything were fixed,
if every thought, every feeling, were permanent?

Iohan Figueroa 1989
Oaxaca, Mexico

Iohan Figueroa is a multidisciplinary artist from Oaxaca, Mexico, they seamlessly integrate sculpture, movement, and environmental elements into their practice. Drawing inspiration from the natural world and its wildlife, they explore the profound connections and interactions between nature and humanity. Utilizing tactile memories as a creative conduit, Figueroa translates these sensory experiences into tangible materials, viewing the body as both canvas and instrument for artistic expression. Their work reflects a deep engagement with the environment, capturing the essence of nature and its relationship with the world at large. Their research focuses on socio-spatial relations, recognizing the ephemeral nature of movement and seeking to preserve it through various means. This exploration reflects a profound understanding of the dynamic interplay between the body, space, gender and society.

Text: Iohan Figueroa, Keithy Kuuspu
Advisor: Keithy Kuuspu
Graphic Design: Seppe-Hazel Laeremans
Exhibitions is supported by: Eka Craft Studies

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Posted by Andres Lõo

Faculty of Fine Arts Exhibitions