Caitlyn Holly Main at Vent Space

Vent Space projektiruum Vabaduse väljak 6/8, Tallinn

Start Date:

End Date:


5 October 2024

Caitlyn Holly Main is an interdisciplinary artist, working with and between text, drawing, moving image, sculptural artefact and printmaking. She is concerned with care and intimacy, notions of emotional labor, consumption and desire. Her recent work is focused around modes of communication – the physical embodiment or remnants of connection.

Vent Space project space

6/8 Vabaduse Square, Tallinn

Vent Space is an experimental project space of EKA, which offers EKA students a public exhibition space and collaboration opportunities. Many students have had their first solo exhibition at Vent Space, as well as numerous group exhibitions, discussion groups, workshops, concerts and other events.
The international team brings together different disciplines, media, practices and skills, encouraging collaboration, spontaneity, courage and experimentation. 


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Posted by Andres Lõo

Vent Space Exhibitions