Product Design Form: Kenneth Pert

Name: Kenneth Pert

Connection with EKA: Bachelor`s 2nd year student

I don’t feel comfortable talking about myself, so I asked a friend for help and according to him I am someone who focuses on everything that I do. I appreciate meaningful contemplation and therefore may seem as a man of few words. Substance must be accompanied by packaging and in everything I create and touch I am on a seemingly endless quest to find the ideal.

  1. What projects do you have on hand at the moment?

Besides our project for this semester I’m currently working on a napkin holder and I have a round oak tabletop that has been lying around for a while, so I’m thinking about making some legs for it to be usable.

  1. What is your favorite stage of creating a product and what does it look like?

I think one of those moments is when the concept and ideas are starting to come together and take shape. Building prototypes is also quite fun. There is this oddly satisfying feeling when different parts fit together nicely as they were planned.

  1. Paper and pen vs. digital media – which do you prefer?

Paper and pencil is my go to choice, however I try to become more adept at using digital tools as well.

  1. What is/was your favorite project while studying at EKA? What discovery did you make about it for yourself?

During the first semester we had the opportunity to create a charging and parking unit for electric bikes, which was quite interesting. However, this semester’s project is a strong candidate as well, because we are able to discover the world of porcelain.

  1. Guilty pleasure or “poor design or means of design”, what do you secretly like?

I would say that I have this foolish habit not to use good tools and just spend a bit too much time in my head trying to visualize and figure things out. Therefore a lot of ideas and thoughts are not documented and fade away in to the same abyss where they first arised from.

  1. Something you wish you were a designer?

iMac G4

  1. 1 good read that has inspired you professionally? (book, article, scientific literature, etc. in print or online…)

It’s from a graphics design perspective, but I think Paul Rand’s book “Thoughts on design” describes an interesting viewpoint about attitude and a way of thinking. On that topic I would also suggest the writings of Seth Godin.

  1. Besides design, what else attracts you?

I seem to be this jack-of-all-trades type of character, who is interested in many different subjects. I enjoy reading.

  1. Which experience so far has shaped you the most as a designer and how?

I think it was somewhere around my teenage years when I happened to read about Steve Jobs and how they approach their work at Apple. This way of thinking kind of resonated with me and seems to have influenced the way I do things.

10.Portfolio (or something similar) – Where can we learn more about your works and activities?

Currently, Instagram is probably the best place to see the work that I’ve done.

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Posted by Mari Maiste