9.03–01.04.2017. OGH. Zones of Indistinction/ Eristamatuse alad

On 9 March, at 18.00 EKA Galerii will open a new exhibition, “Zones of Indistinction” by OGH.

OGH will also give a presentation on their work on the night of the opening.

Zones of Indistinction is one possible manifestation of a broader, lived project by OGH. What is presented are the residues of an ongoing attempt to live according to the Rule in such a manner that life becomes indistinguishable from that Rule. The impetus for this rigid adherence is not a masochistic desire for structure or constraint, but – somewhat paradoxically – liberation from an imposed order. The project has been influenced by ideas like Hakim Bey’s Temporary Autonomous Zone, folk-political programs of resistance, but also Greco-Roman and Neoplatonic Christian asceticism.
For its exhibition at EKA Galerii, OGH will present a series of tools, appendages, instruments, and techniques which facilitate this proposal as well as residues from its ongoing efforts to embody it.

OGH is Paige Früchtnicht and Greg Ponchak.

Paige Früchtnicht (b. 1994) is an artist, writer and curator from Columbus, Ohio, USA, currently living in Amsterdam.

Greg Ponchak (b. 1991) is an artist, designer, and curator from Cleveland, Ohio, USA, currently living in Amsterdam. For the past three years, he has co-operatively run Skylab Gallery in Columbus, Ohio, USA.

The exhibition is open until 1 April.

The artists would like to thank their families, the Skylab family, Matthew Flegle, Michael Hemery and militarised Seattle police.

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Posted by Keiu Krikmann