

Arife Dila Demir „Extended (Textile) Soma: Somaesthetics of Bodily Discomforts“ (Dissertationes 40)

Human existence in the world is corporeal; we live and exist in the world through our moving and perceiving bodies – our somas. Our somas ...

Britta Benno “Mõtlemine kihtides, kujutlemine kihtides. Posthumanistlikud maastikud laiendatud joonistus- ja graafikaväljal” (Dissertationes 39)

Britta Benno’s artistic research based doctoral thesis “Mõtlemine kihtides, kujutlemine kihtides. Posthumanistlikud maastikud laiendatud ...
Muutuste juhtijad 1

Change Agents – Blueprints for Inter-institutional Collaborations in Social Design

Partners: Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Hungary Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Estonia Fundacio Privada Elisava Escola Universitaria, Spain ...

Anders Härm “Allumatud kehad: radikaalsed performatiivsed praktikad 20. ja 21. sajandi kunstis ja kultuuris”

“Allumatud kehad” (“Disobedient Bodies”) is a genealogical study of radical artistic, post-artistic and trans-artistic ...
Linnapea Mihhail Kõlvart EKAs 1.12.2023 foto_Andres Lõo5

EKA Rector discussed cooperation opportunities with the mayor of Tallinn

Today, December 1, 2023, members of the Rectorate of the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) met with the mayor of Tallinn, Mihhail Kõlvart, to ...

Victor Papanek “Disain tegelikule maailmale: inimökoloogia ja sotsiaalne muutus”

The translation of “Design for the Real World” (1971, revised edition 1984) by Victor Papanek tries to lead us away from a wasteful ...

Urbanizing Suburbia

Urbanizing Suburbia: Hyper-Gentrification, the Financialization of Housing and the Remaking of the Outer European City Book launch Nov 21. at 6 ...
Kristin Silm

Product design form: Kristin Silm

Kristin Silm is an active multitasker who does it all, all the time. Name: Kristin Silm Position: Student Relationship to EKA: 2nd year digital ...
EKA abi Lvivi akadeemiale foto Andres Tammsaar2

EKA’s aid arrived at the Lviv Academy of Arts

EKA’s humanitarian aid shipment arrived at the Lviv Academy of Arts in Ukraine. As part of the ELIA UAx program, EKA acquired a subsidiary ...
Punane Laine foto Maria Kallau2

EKA Students Rediscovering Lost Video Game “Punane Laine”

In the context of the VIA Lab program (Video Games In Art Laboratory) students from the Estonian Academy of Arts worked on the archives of a lost ...