

SISU—LINE #3 – Welcome Stranger!

SISU-LINE Welcome Stranger! is a provocative call to step out of one’s comfort zone against the background of the migration crisis in ...
Lecture: JOHAN PAJU, Urban Biotopes – a case study of Social Nature in Stockholm

Lecture: JOHAN PAJU, Urban Biotopes – a case study of Social Nature in Stockholm

At 5.30 pm this Thursday, on the 23rd Nov, everyone’s welcome to the architecture department (Pikk 20, 3rd floor) for lecture “Urban Biotopes – A ...
System & Error workshop by Aalto University and Estonian Academy of Arts

System & Error workshop by Aalto University and Estonian Academy of Arts

Workshop in Tallinn (Friday, 24th Nov) Lembitu 12, 3rd floor Photography Dept. Ordinary life is made of eventful junctures, constant surprises ...

Open Lecture: MATTHIAS RIPPMANN on 16th November at 18:00

Droneport Prototype. Venice Architecture Biennale 2016 Department of Architecture and Urban Design of the Estonian Academy of Arts is happy to ...

“Signals from the Periphery: Alternative Practices of Graphic Designers” (edited by Elisabeth Klement and Laura Pappa

“Signals from the Periphery” brings together urgent developments in graphic design with a focus on works that surpass traditional forms and media ...

Architecture Open Lecture Series on 2nd of November: Didier Fiuza Faustino

Mexico City projekt “Foundation Alumnos47” Didier Faustino // Mesarchitecture On the 2nd of November, Architecture Open ...

The Mereological City: Open Lecture by Daniel Köhler on 19th November

​Daniel Koehler – The Mereological City 2014 Model, scale 1:10000: computational model based on the Vertical City Schema by Ludwig ...

Pier Vittorio Aureli “Vähem on piisav. Arhitektuurist ja askeesist” (Library of Ehituskunst #1)

Pier Vittorio Aureli’s book “Less Is Enough: Architecture and Asceticism” describes how the idea of ​​minimalist design and architecture ...