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Paljassaare pilgrimage, hiking into the (un)known

First year students of Urban Studies have spent half a semester exploring Paljassaare – the strip of land that takes one to the end of Tallinn, ...
Dissonant Heritage photo Katerina Rothberg6

Transform4Europe Open Dual Lecture: “Dissonant Heritage”

On October 17, 2023 Transform4Europe Open Dual Lecture: “Dissonant Heritage: Re-evaluating the Soviet Legacies” took place. Linara Dovydaitytė ...
Narva residentuur

EKA Residency at NART in the Winter

This winter Narva Art Residency invites one EKA employee for a residency. The residency period is from , but the resident can also come to Narva ...
The Secret Life of Fashion

Young EKA Fashion Designers Collaborating with Adidas

Adidas has asked seven artists to create original artworks based on their collection. Playful twists on classic adidas items open up new ways of ...
Jaana Päeva

Experience-driven practice-based research on handbag design principles

The project focuses on exploring experience-driven design principles that extend the product lifespan by using emotional attachment. This ...

New research article on the topic of technology and theatre “From past to present: the journey of technological theatre”

When and how did theatres adopt technology? You can find a written overview of technological theatre from the past to the present in the ...
What is Research

Visual Communication Symposium: What is Research? 2.-3. November 2023

We invite you to the annual Visual Communication Education in Nordic and Baltic countries network meeting and symposium. This year the topic is ...
TUDelft group Tallinn - 1

Guest studio from Delft University of Technology

From 2-13 October, 29 students of the master of Architecture at TU Delft are visiting EKA, participating in the graduation studio “A Matter of ...
Surgical Nurse # copy

“Innovation in Healthcare” Design Sprint

From September 18th to 22nd, a design sprint was held at the North Estonia Medical Centre, where students from the Nordic and Baltic countries, ...
Kaisa Uik

Product Design Form: Kaisa Uik

Name: Kaisa Uik Position: Future UX designer, design workshop facilitator Relation with EKA: 3rd-year digital product design student What ...