
Merike Liiva (1)

Product Design Form: Merike Liiva

A new month and new product designer form. This time you can get to know Merike Liiva a fresh graduate of our bachelor’s curriculum. She recently ...
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Garage48 Wood is back! It’s time to hack the wood industry, sign up now!

Garage48 in collaboration with TSENTER and EKA are inviting everyone to join us for Garage48 Future of Wood 2021 from the 26th to the 28th of ...
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Cervo Volante –Piret Puppart’s Swiss Project

The long-matured Cervo Volante project of Piret Puppart, the head of the fashion department of EKA, which makes durable shoes and accessories ...
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Johanna Rannula is the New Head of Narva Art Residency

Johanna Rannula, the new head of the Narva Art Residency (NART), brings her experiences from the museum field such as creating participation and ...
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EKA and EMTA joint dormitory renewed

In the joint dormitory of EKA and EMTA, Kuhlbarsi 1, a new common room was created for students, where they can spend time comfortably. EAA ...

The afterlife of high voltage masts in Putukaväil

The innovation-oriented cooperation project “Giving high-voltage line masts of Putukaväil a new form and function: experimental form tests in the ...
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CITYA Opening Walk

The CITYA Tallinn session was officially opened with an excursion through the streets of Tallinn, visiting the artworks of Ulvi Haagensen, Liina ...
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A great start in animation department

The new school year has begun with many great news for the animation department! Our students have won prizes and received screening invitations ...