

Style and Meaning: Disciplinary Conversions in Estonian Art History (EKA Research Grant, 2021–2022)

The purpose of the project is to concentrate on the critical concepts in Estonian art history, their role in the vocabulary and meaning making ...
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ERASMUS Charter for 2021 – 2027 granted

On December 22, 2020 EKA received a confirmation of a positive result to our application for ERASMUS Charter for the period of 2021 – 2027. ...

Siim Tuksam “Modulated Modularity – from mass customisation to custom mass production” (Dissertationes 33)

Siim Tuksam, PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, curriculum of Architecture and Urban Planning, defended his thesis „Modulated ...

K. Ritval on “Storytelling as a Survival Kit”

Christmas is a time of storytelling and there is a broad variety of different stories at the Vent Space gallery where 11 foreign students from ...

Sille Pihlak “Prototyping Protocols, Protocolling Prototypes: a methodological development of somatic modularity for algorithmic timber architecture in Estonian context” (Dissertationes 32)

Sille Pihlak, PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, curriculum of Architecture and Urban Planning, defended her thesis “Prototyping ...
ann kristiin entson_ töö pilt

Ann Kristiin Entson – 3rd prize in the ERC research competition

Ann Kristiin Entson (EKA, architecture and urban design) won the 3rd prize (700 euros) in the field of Humanities and Arts at the level of the ...
EKA Jõulusaade 2020 copy


Wishing the entire EKA family a safe holiday, we report on what has been done this year in our faculties and in the Open Academy.

Ingrid Ruudi “Spaces of the Interregnum. Transformations in Estonian Architecture and Art, 1986–1994” (Dissertationes 31)

Ingrid Ruudi, PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, curriculum of Art History and Visual Culture, defended her thesis Spaces of the ...

Madli Kaljuste was awarded the EAA Student Award 2020

The Student Award 2020 of the Estonian Association of Architects was awarded to Madli Kaljuste, a master’s thesis in the field of architecture ...

Semele Kari – laureate of the Vello Asi Student Prize 2020

The 2020 Vello Asi Student Prize laureate Semele Kari is a graduate of the Estonian Academy of Arts bachelor’s programme in interior architecture ...