

Paljassaare island hopping: Cruising through barren and the bliss

1st year Urban Studies students island hop through Paljassaare peninsula – the “barren island” in the very happening and now district of Northern ...
Screenshot 2020-10-12 at 16.18.59

Paljassaare island hopping: Cruising through barren and the bliss

Ahoy sailor, we welcome you aboard for our island hop through Paljassaare peninsula – the “barren island” in the very happening and now ...
Nähtamatu monumentaalmaal.esikaas

“Nähtamatu monumentaalmaal: EKA maalitudengite monumentaalkunst 1962–1995”

The book, which was prepared in conjunction with the EKA Museum’s exhibition “Invisible Monumental Painting” in the EKA ...

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT OF cross-laminated timber manufacturing residue

The customer Peetri Puit OÜ was looking for an application for CLT (cross-laminated timber) production residues. The aim of the project was to ...

Deadline for incoming exchange students is October 15, 2020

We accept applications from partner universities, but reserve the right to cancel all incoming exchanges on a short notice depending on the ...
Etnika hele_v3-1

Modular bungalow ETNIKA HOME

The client Rasman OÜ turned to the Mustermaja working group of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning with a request to develop a ...
Conversing in Absentia (PNG) copy

Sten Saarits at Vent Space

Sten Saarits is opening “Conversing in Absentia” on October 4th, 6 PM, at Vent Space.   The exhibition presents three new installations by ...

Exhibition “Future visions for Tallinn Central Bus Station”

Starting from September 2020, there is a good chance to see the exhibition of future visions for Tallinn Central Bus Terminal inside the current ...
EKA Architecture Open Lecture Series on standby

EKA Architecture Open Lecture Series on standby

This autumn semester, the Open Lecture Series of the EKA Architecture and Urban Design department was supposed to focus on Latvian and Lithuanian ...