

Photos: Wack Dystopia at EKA Billboard gallery

Graphic design 3rd-year students project “Wack Dystopia” at EKA Billboard Gallery 20.12.2019–31.01.2020. Students: Adam Asztalos, Kersti Heile, ...
Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Altertumsk

Kristina Jõekalda “German Monuments in the Baltic Heimat? A Historiography of Heritage in the “Long Nineteenth Century””

Kristina Jõekalda,PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, Curriculum of Art History and Visual Culture, defended her thesis “German ...

Freakishly fierce and fabulous Drag Race sparked the end of the year

The five-day Drag Show – the Identity Cabaret – at the end of December gave 2019 a worthy and fabulous goodbye. 24 students from ...

Estonian Research Council funds two new research projects at the Institute of Art History and Visual Culture

Estonian Research Council has announced the results of its 2019 round of personal research grant applications, including funding for two new ...

Baltic German Identity and Heritage in Estonian Art Historiography (EKA Personal Grant, 2019–2020)

This personal research grant allows Kristina Jõekalda to go deeper into the interdisciplinary topics with which she has been dealing with in her ...
Eesti linnaehituse ajalugu kaas

“Eesti linnaehituse ajalugu. Keskajast tsaariaja lõpuni”

“History of Estonian Urban Planning” is the first book that deals with the formation, development, and in some cases also the demise ...

Beyond Borders: Moving through Maardu

“After a long semester attempting to grasp hold of the elusive Maardu, I ended my final project not with answers but with more questions ...
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Specialty project “Stairs”, 2019 / student work: Germo Ausin

The stair studio invites 2nd year interior architecture students to create conceptually and spatially clear architecture, where the idea and ...
INTROKAADER pitch_2916sm

New international business opportunities for the design students of EKA

For the first time ever, a course that would help the students get a grasp of the business world and reach international markets was held for the ...