Science Café at Põhjala Factory

EKA, EMTA and BFM invite you to the Science Café! At Põhjala factory's AnkruSAAL (Ankru 10, Tallinn) on May 27 at 18:00. During the discussion evening, creative researchers from three universities will open up the background behind their ...

Alumni reunion in Rüütelkonna building

Photos by Tanja Muravskaja

Alma Mater – the dear walls and spaces of memories

The Estonian Academy of Arts was located on Tartu mnt 1, Tallinn from 1917 – 2009. For most of the alumni, this building epitomized their Alma Mater.

Graduation 2012

Graduation 2015

Alumni reunion 2012

Alumni reunion on October 26, 2012 at the Fine Arts Faculty Building (Rüütelkonna hoone) in Toompea. It snowed several feet that day and buses were stuck in snow, but some brave ones showed up anyway. Photos by Tanja Muravskaja