Patterns of Development in Contemporary Estonian Culture (MOBERC 2016-2017)

The aims of the program are: (1) to prepare and present a grant application to European Research Council; (2) to start preparatory work for the ERC grant project; (3) to continue with the theoretical research needed for carrying out the ERC project. The ERC project is dedicated to examining the cultural patterns that emerged after the breakdown of the Soviet system, and their socio-political context. The purpose of the project is to analyze (1) the reconfigurations that took place in late-Soviet and post-Soviet Estonian culture due to the rapid changes in the political, technological and socio-economical framework, and the specific resonations of these developments in various artistic practises, e.g. literature, visual culture and theatre; (2) the manifestations of national and transnational tendencies in the cultural developments; (3) the relations between contemporary artistic and political practices.

Principal investigator: Virve Sarapik

Research staff: Mari Laaniste

Duration: 2016−2017

Project type: Mobilitas Plus support for applying for an ERC grant

See in the Estonian Research Information System

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Posted by Kristina Jõekalda