

05.07.2024 — 04.08.2024

Marleen Suvi “We’ve Never Lived in a House” at EKA Gallery 6.07.–4.08.2024

Marleen Suvi
Opening: 5.07. at 6 pm

Marleen Suvi’s personal exhibition “We’ve Never Lived in a House” brings together 16 large-scale canvases to form a major installation, which concerns itself with the topics of memory and family.

The paintings are based on the artist’s family photo albums, and according to the curator Aleksander Metsamärt, the exhibition reveals two main themes: firstly, the relationship between memory and memory carriers arising from the paintings created on the basis of photographs, secondly, the theme of the private house arising from the form of the installation and the period-specific context associated with it. At the crossroads of the two themes, we find the artist herself, offering an insight into her own memories with an intimately personal and a paradoxical universality.

For the artist these times are past, her past which she herself cannot [retreat/crawl] back to. A past from which forms and figures emerge, that are almost familiar, but not quite just. Not like they are here, in this picture, in this apartment, in this year – somewhere in the mid-nineties, when everyone wore clothes made out of those materials, the feel of which, to this day, the nerve endings of your synapses can still sense somewhere at the back of your mind; clothes, that in their quaintness and slight old-fashionedness still manage to warm your heart.

Curated by Aleksander Metsamärt

Graphic design by Rainer Kasekivi

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Opening drinks from Põhjala Brewery.

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink

Marleen Suvi “We’ve Never Lived in a House” at EKA Gallery 6.07.–4.08.2024

Friday 05 July, 2024 — Sunday 04 August, 2024


Marleen Suvi
Opening: 5.07. at 6 pm

Marleen Suvi’s personal exhibition “We’ve Never Lived in a House” brings together 16 large-scale canvases to form a major installation, which concerns itself with the topics of memory and family.

The paintings are based on the artist’s family photo albums, and according to the curator Aleksander Metsamärt, the exhibition reveals two main themes: firstly, the relationship between memory and memory carriers arising from the paintings created on the basis of photographs, secondly, the theme of the private house arising from the form of the installation and the period-specific context associated with it. At the crossroads of the two themes, we find the artist herself, offering an insight into her own memories with an intimately personal and a paradoxical universality.

For the artist these times are past, her past which she herself cannot [retreat/crawl] back to. A past from which forms and figures emerge, that are almost familiar, but not quite just. Not like they are here, in this picture, in this apartment, in this year – somewhere in the mid-nineties, when everyone wore clothes made out of those materials, the feel of which, to this day, the nerve endings of your synapses can still sense somewhere at the back of your mind; clothes, that in their quaintness and slight old-fashionedness still manage to warm your heart.

Curated by Aleksander Metsamärt

Graphic design by Rainer Kasekivi

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Opening drinks from Põhjala Brewery.

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink

04.06.2024 — 25.08.2024

“Imprints of Being” at EKA Billboard Gallery 4.06.–25.08.2024

You are invited to the opening of the “Imprints of Being” — graduation exhibition of the EKA Open Academy’s photography course at the EKA Billboard gallery on June 4, 2024 at 6 pm. The exhibition, located at Kotzebue 1, Tallinn, is free and open 24/7 until August 25.

The exhibition “Imprints of Being” looks at the facets of being through eight different perspectives. The authors explore both animate and inanimate traces within everyday rhythms. Reflecting on the values in their bloodstream and highlighting the patterns we create and leave in our wake.

Authors: Birgit Aitsam, Reelika Helde-Mikkor, Karolin Kaplan, Geroli Peedu, Priit Jaak Sild, Eveli Smitt, Liisi Tali, Grete Tuiken

Supervisor: Hedi Jaansoo

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink

“Imprints of Being” at EKA Billboard Gallery 4.06.–25.08.2024

Tuesday 04 June, 2024 — Sunday 25 August, 2024

You are invited to the opening of the “Imprints of Being” — graduation exhibition of the EKA Open Academy’s photography course at the EKA Billboard gallery on June 4, 2024 at 6 pm. The exhibition, located at Kotzebue 1, Tallinn, is free and open 24/7 until August 25.

The exhibition “Imprints of Being” looks at the facets of being through eight different perspectives. The authors explore both animate and inanimate traces within everyday rhythms. Reflecting on the values in their bloodstream and highlighting the patterns we create and leave in our wake.

Authors: Birgit Aitsam, Reelika Helde-Mikkor, Karolin Kaplan, Geroli Peedu, Priit Jaak Sild, Eveli Smitt, Liisi Tali, Grete Tuiken

Supervisor: Hedi Jaansoo

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink


10.10.2024 — 10.07.2024

EKA Arh Conference 2024: Building Systems

arh pilt

Read more:

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink

EKA Arh Conference 2024: Building Systems

Thursday 10 October, 2024 — Wednesday 10 July, 2024

Doctoral School
arh pilt

Read more:

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink

28.07.2024 — 31.08.2024

“Under the Iron Rain” in EKA Library

“Under the Iron Rain”

Exhibition of Ukrainian art students in the library of the Estonian Academy of Arts


Mon-Fri 10:00-15:00
The library is closed from 22.07 to 4.08.2024

Artists: Dariia Silchuk, Sonia Kharkovets,Kseniia Romaschenko, Alina Zadvirna

Graphic design: Daria Titova (UKR)

To provide students with the opportunity to emerge as visible artists, an exhibition will be held at the EKA Library Gallery featuring works by Ukrainian students mentored by EKA. The exhibition will showcase graphics, illustrations, and drawings created during their studies, reflecting the teachings and approaches of Ukrainian universities.

The work of students living and working across Ukraine is heavily influenced by the war situation – mental coping, freedom of movement, and survival. Under the iron rain, students have continued their studies in their chosen fields, pouring their skills, anxiety, fears, and dreams into their creations. The EKA Library offers a small glimpse into their world. We can support these young creators by recognizing their aspirations. We extend our gratitude to all individuals and institutions who have donated to the EKA Ukrainian Student Scholarship Fund.

ELIA UAx Platform

At the ELIA leadership symposium held at EKA (Estonian Academy of Arts) and EMTA (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) in June 2022, leaders of higher arts education in Ukraine emphasized their primary priority: stopping the “institutional destruction” of the arts. They believe it is crucial to support students so they can continue their education in their homeland and to remind the world of the importance of their artistic practice for the preservation of Ukrainian cultural life.

On November 15, 2022, the Abakanowicz Arts and Culture Charitable Foundation (AACCF), in collaboration with ELIA, announced a funding measure to support art students and higher arts education institutions in Ukraine. This led to the creation of the ELIA UAx Platform. The UAx Platform embodies the spirit and values of Magdalena Abakanowicz. This initiative is aimed at artists affected by the war, enabling them to fulfill one of their most important tasks – creating art despite oppression.

The supervisors of the EKA UAx platform for Ukrainian students in the 2023/24 academic year are Britta Benno and Anne Pikkov.

All works are for sale. By purchasing, you support artists in Ukraine.

More information:

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink

“Under the Iron Rain” in EKA Library

Sunday 28 July, 2024 — Saturday 31 August, 2024


“Under the Iron Rain”

Exhibition of Ukrainian art students in the library of the Estonian Academy of Arts


Mon-Fri 10:00-15:00
The library is closed from 22.07 to 4.08.2024

Artists: Dariia Silchuk, Sonia Kharkovets,Kseniia Romaschenko, Alina Zadvirna

Graphic design: Daria Titova (UKR)

To provide students with the opportunity to emerge as visible artists, an exhibition will be held at the EKA Library Gallery featuring works by Ukrainian students mentored by EKA. The exhibition will showcase graphics, illustrations, and drawings created during their studies, reflecting the teachings and approaches of Ukrainian universities.

The work of students living and working across Ukraine is heavily influenced by the war situation – mental coping, freedom of movement, and survival. Under the iron rain, students have continued their studies in their chosen fields, pouring their skills, anxiety, fears, and dreams into their creations. The EKA Library offers a small glimpse into their world. We can support these young creators by recognizing their aspirations. We extend our gratitude to all individuals and institutions who have donated to the EKA Ukrainian Student Scholarship Fund.

ELIA UAx Platform

At the ELIA leadership symposium held at EKA (Estonian Academy of Arts) and EMTA (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) in June 2022, leaders of higher arts education in Ukraine emphasized their primary priority: stopping the “institutional destruction” of the arts. They believe it is crucial to support students so they can continue their education in their homeland and to remind the world of the importance of their artistic practice for the preservation of Ukrainian cultural life.

On November 15, 2022, the Abakanowicz Arts and Culture Charitable Foundation (AACCF), in collaboration with ELIA, announced a funding measure to support art students and higher arts education institutions in Ukraine. This led to the creation of the ELIA UAx Platform. The UAx Platform embodies the spirit and values of Magdalena Abakanowicz. This initiative is aimed at artists affected by the war, enabling them to fulfill one of their most important tasks – creating art despite oppression.

The supervisors of the EKA UAx platform for Ukrainian students in the 2023/24 academic year are Britta Benno and Anne Pikkov.

All works are for sale. By purchasing, you support artists in Ukraine.

More information:

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink

31.08.2024 — 06.09.2024

International Workshop “How to Reframe Monuments: Case Studies for Thinking Through Dissonant Heritage”

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has sparked debates and conflicts over Russian and Soviet monuments in the former Eastern Bloc and has also revitalized global discussions about dissonant heritage. This has created a new need and a new framework for comparisons – for comparing monuments, as well as their toppling and rebuilding in different parts of the world and historical contexts.

This event is primarily about learning from cases of reframing. The lectures, seminars and workshops will bring together expertise and knowledge from different fields and contexts to explore solutions that aim not to dismantle dissonant heritage but to place it in a new, critical framework. During the three days, we will discuss the broader conceptualizations and histories of reframing monuments and heritage, as well as focus on concrete cases. The cases will include various artistic interventions as well as other means of reframing, ranging from educational programs and museology to community engagement.

We believe that there is an urgent need to bring together knowledge of existing cases also to develop future practices for reinterpreting heritage through cross-disciplinary collaboration: artistic research and memory studies, heritage conservation and digitization, and spatial interventions. Thus, this event aims to generate new knowledge and skills for dealing with complex heritage at different levels.

The event will consist of lectures, seminars, tours and group work. Students are divided into interdisciplinary groups to develop a reframing project, each of which will focus on a case study representing dissonant heritage from Narva and the neighbouring industrial regions of northeastern Estonia.

Experts: Riin Alatalu, Kirke Kangro, Gregor Taul, Anu Soojärv and Triinu Väikmeri (Estonian Academy of Arts), Kristo Nurmis (Tallinn University), Victoria Donovan (University of St. Andrews), Oksana Denisenko and Linara Dovydaitytė (Vytautas Magnus University), Egle Grebliauskaite (Vilnius University), Olha Honchar (Territory of Terror Museum, Ukraine)

More info:
Triinu Väikmeri (

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink

International Workshop “How to Reframe Monuments: Case Studies for Thinking Through Dissonant Heritage”

Saturday 31 August, 2024 — Friday 06 September, 2024

Cultural Heritage and Conservation

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has sparked debates and conflicts over Russian and Soviet monuments in the former Eastern Bloc and has also revitalized global discussions about dissonant heritage. This has created a new need and a new framework for comparisons – for comparing monuments, as well as their toppling and rebuilding in different parts of the world and historical contexts.

This event is primarily about learning from cases of reframing. The lectures, seminars and workshops will bring together expertise and knowledge from different fields and contexts to explore solutions that aim not to dismantle dissonant heritage but to place it in a new, critical framework. During the three days, we will discuss the broader conceptualizations and histories of reframing monuments and heritage, as well as focus on concrete cases. The cases will include various artistic interventions as well as other means of reframing, ranging from educational programs and museology to community engagement.

We believe that there is an urgent need to bring together knowledge of existing cases also to develop future practices for reinterpreting heritage through cross-disciplinary collaboration: artistic research and memory studies, heritage conservation and digitization, and spatial interventions. Thus, this event aims to generate new knowledge and skills for dealing with complex heritage at different levels.

The event will consist of lectures, seminars, tours and group work. Students are divided into interdisciplinary groups to develop a reframing project, each of which will focus on a case study representing dissonant heritage from Narva and the neighbouring industrial regions of northeastern Estonia.

Experts: Riin Alatalu, Kirke Kangro, Gregor Taul, Anu Soojärv and Triinu Väikmeri (Estonian Academy of Arts), Kristo Nurmis (Tallinn University), Victoria Donovan (University of St. Andrews), Oksana Denisenko and Linara Dovydaitytė (Vytautas Magnus University), Egle Grebliauskaite (Vilnius University), Olha Honchar (Territory of Terror Museum, Ukraine)

More info:
Triinu Väikmeri (

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink



Each year, the Estonian Academy of Arts Research and Development Office, in conjunction with the Tallinn Strategic Management Office, holds an applied research and development projects competition to motivate the Academy’s members to apply to a greater extent the results of their academic and research work in the public, business and third sectors; to increase the quality and extent of knowledge services provided by the Academy to society and businesses and to raise public awareness of the application of the Academy’s know-how in the economy and society.

The author(s) of the best project are awarded 1000€. If numerous outstanding works are submitted for the competition, additional work(s) will be awarded.

The competition is open BOTH for EKA’s students, whose course or graduation project has reached the stage of developing an applied output, i.e. the results of the work can be applied in businesses or other organisations, AND the applied research or projects by all EKA´s employees and researchers.

The works must be completed between 01.09.2023–31.08.2024.
To submit a project to the competition a completed form together with additional materials must be sent to no later than 15 September 2024. The e-mail addresses of all authors of the work must be included among the e-mail recipients.

See last year’s winners HERE.

Materials for applying:

Procedure for Competition of Applied Research and Development Works

Submission form

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink


Sunday 15 September, 2024

Research and Development Office

Each year, the Estonian Academy of Arts Research and Development Office, in conjunction with the Tallinn Strategic Management Office, holds an applied research and development projects competition to motivate the Academy’s members to apply to a greater extent the results of their academic and research work in the public, business and third sectors; to increase the quality and extent of knowledge services provided by the Academy to society and businesses and to raise public awareness of the application of the Academy’s know-how in the economy and society.

The author(s) of the best project are awarded 1000€. If numerous outstanding works are submitted for the competition, additional work(s) will be awarded.

The competition is open BOTH for EKA’s students, whose course or graduation project has reached the stage of developing an applied output, i.e. the results of the work can be applied in businesses or other organisations, AND the applied research or projects by all EKA´s employees and researchers.

The works must be completed between 01.09.2023–31.08.2024.
To submit a project to the competition a completed form together with additional materials must be sent to no later than 15 September 2024. The e-mail addresses of all authors of the work must be included among the e-mail recipients.

See last year’s winners HERE.

Materials for applying:

Procedure for Competition of Applied Research and Development Works

Submission form

Posted by Kris Haamer — Permalink
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