EKA Prizes

EKA Artistic Work Prize 2023 was awarded to:

Holger Loodus for reinventing his personal work through solo exhibitions in 2023

Andres Kurg and Mari Laanemets for the internationally significant and innovative exhibition ” Prognoos ja fantaasia. Piirideta arhitektuur 1960.–1980. Aastatel” (Forecast and Fantasy. Boundless Architecture 1960–1980), exploring Cold War-era spatial dreams

Laura Linsi and Roland Reemaa for the powerful monumentalisation of recycling in their exhibition ” Linnamaardla. Spolia naasemine” (Urban Treasure Trove. The Return of Spolia) at the Architecture Museum, 25.05 – 30.09.2023

EKA Research Publication Prizes 2023

Monograph Prize 2023 was awarded to Anders Härm for his book “Allumatud kehad. Radikaalsed performatiivsed praktikad 20. ja 21. sajandi kunstis ja kultuuris” (Radical Performative Practices in Art and Culture of the 20th and 21st Centuries), based on his doctoral thesis

Research Publication Prize 2023 was awarded to Epp Lankots for several high-level research articles, including “Planning urban peripheries for leisure: the plan for Greater Tallinn, 1960–1962.” in the book “Urban Planning during Socialism: Views from the Periphery.”

In the Artistic Research Publication category, the committee decided to reward Tõnis Jürgens for his article “Une kontuurid ja magaja loomine” (Contours of Sleep and the Creation of the Sleeper) in Vikerkaar 1–2, 2022

Special Prize 2023

Taavi Hallimäe for launching and editing the magazine Leida and a highly productive year of writing about design

Teaching Staff Member of the Year 2023 – Maiu Rõõmus

Head of Curriculum of the Year 2023 – Jüri Kermik

Colleague Prizes:

Colleague of the Year 2023 – Robert Luig

Newcomer of the Year 2023 – Annely Prohorenko

Leader of the Year 2023 – Ruth-Helene Melioranski

Team of the Year 2023 – International Office: Sandra Mell, Marilyn Riisimäe, Janne Kukk, Hanna-Britt Augasmägi, Lisette Sivard

Deed of the Year 2023 – TASE Exhibition: Pire Sova

EKA 2022 Artistic Work Prizes

Anu Allas for the international and high-level curation of the “Thinking Pictures” exhibition at KUMU, despite adverse conditions

Urmas Lüüs for creating comprehensive environments inspired by everyday life and for continuously reflecting on art in writing

Erik Alalooga for his consistent dedication and continuation of his chosen path with the “Liberated Machines” exhibition at the Tartu Monumental Gallery

EKA Research Publication Prizes 2022

Special Prizes 2022

Andres Kurg for compiling and editing the Vikerkaar journal special issue “Empire of Images”

Linda Kaljundi for compiling and editing the Vikerkaar journal special issue “Empire of Images”

Eik Hermann for compiling and editing the “Ehituskunst” journal issue “Small Towns: Non-Growing”

Research Article Prize 2022: Kädi Talvoja for the article “International Chains of Estonian Art. The Role of the Tallinn Graphic Triennials”

Creative Research Publication Prize 2022: Keiti Kljavin for the study “Adapting the Living Environment to Decline. A Guide for Restructuring the Housing Sector and Demolishing Abandoned Apartment Buildings in Shrinking Population Areas”

Colleague Prizes 2022

Colleague of the Year 2022: Robert Luig

Newcomer of the Year 2022: Maarja Bachmann and Anu Vahtra

Leader of the Year 2022: Ruth-Helene Melioranski

Team of the Year 2022: Finance Department (Aivi Laurik, Kelly Nurk, Monika Vessmann, Tiia Pley, Hedi Tõnisson)

Deed of the Year 2022: “Welcome, Ukrainians!” (Kaja Toomla, Anne Pikkov, Liza Sedler, Liis Ristal, Johanna Jõekalda, Kati Saarits, Maris Veeremäe)

Best Curriculum Leader 2022: Anneli Porri, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo

EKA 2021 Artistic Work Prizes

Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam for the environmentally sensitive, urban space-enhancing “Sindlinahk” (Tartu Vaksali Bridge and Tunnel)

Hilkka Hiiop, Anneli Randla, and Andres Uueni for the innovative creation of the exhibition “Christian Ackermann. Tallinn’s Phidias, Arrogant and Talented” at the Niguliste Museum and its “reuse” in Tallinn’s cathedral, Christian Ackermann’s home churches, and online

Marge Monko for critically interpreting the world and womanhood through active exhibition activity on the international art stage

EKA Research Publication Prizes 2021

Monograph category: Ingrid Ruudi for her doctoral thesis “Spatial Interregnum. Changes in Estonian Architecture and Art 1986 – 1994”, which also won a national prize

Research Article Prize: Virve Sarapik for the work “Cybernetics and Semiotics: Taming the Intractable or Encounters with 1960s Soviet Abstract Art”

Creative Research Publication category: Sille Pihlak for “Modulated Modularity – from Mass Customisation to Custom Mass Production”, and Siim Tuksam for “Prototyping Protocols, Protocolling Prototypes: a Methodological Development of Somatic Modularity for Algorithmic Timber Architecture in Estonian Context”

Colleague Prizes 2021

Colleague of the Year 2021: Mihkel-Emil Mikk

Leader of the Year 2021: Anu Allas

Newcomer of the Year 2021: Kaja Toomla

Team of the Year 2021: Foreign Relations Department (Sandra Mell, Marilyn Riisimäe, Janne Kukk)

Deed of the Year 2021: ROHEKA Event Series (Johanna Vahtra, Tanel Kärp, Maarja Pabut, Stella Runnel, Maria Kristiin Peterson, Maarja Mõtus, Pärtel Eelmere, Andres Lõo, Solveig Jahnke, Kristjan Eichler, Robert Luig, Andres Tammsaar, Piret Puppart)

EKA 2020 Artistic Work Prizes

Sille Pihlak, Siim Tuksam for the landmark “Soorebane”

Epp Lankots for the “Suvila. Relaxation and Architecture in Estonia in the 20th Century” exhibition at the Architecture Museum with Triin Ojari

Eve Kask for curating EKA’s first creative research grant “How to Talk About a Secret Place Without Betraying It” with students from EKA and other universities

EKA Research Publication Prizes 2020

Monographs and Collections: Lilian Hansar for “Estonian Urban Construction History. From the Middle Ages to the End of the Tsarist Era”

Academic Articles: Liisa-Helena Lumberg for articles on Baltic German artists’ travel materials and their knowledge mediation during Enlightenment travels

Practice or Creative-Based Studies: Sofia Hallik and Darja Popolitova for “Digitally Produced Jewellery: Tactile Qualities of a Digital Touch”

Colleague Prizes 2020

Colleague of the Year 2020: Triin Krünberg, Quality Manager

Newcomer of the Year 2020: Katrin Tiirman, Administration Specialist

Leader of the Year 2020: Kaido Kruusamets, Administration Manager

Team of the Year 2020: IT Department (Kristjan Eichler, Robert Luig, Tener Ilistom)

Deed of the Year 2020: Success of distance learning and transition to e-learning

EKA 2019 Artistic Work Prizes

Merike Estna for active creative work, including solo exhibitions in Malmö and Mexico City

Ott Kagovere for significant and shaping presence in contemporary art and design

Ingrid Ruudi for in-depth and thorough curatorial work at the Architecture Museum’s “My Room. Feminist Questions to Architecture” exhibition

EKA Research Publication Prizes 2019

Maroš Krivy for a series of articles addressing the post-industrial city as both a historical and contemporary problem

Krista Kodres and Kristina Jõekalda for editing the international collection “A Socialist Realist History? Writing Art History in the Post-War Decades”

Creative Research Publication Prize: Julia Valle-Noronha for the doctoral thesis “Becoming with Clothes. Activating wearer-worn engagement through design”

EKA Colleague Prizes 2019

Colleague of the Year: Hilkka Hiiop, Angelina Valk

Newcomer of the Year: Hans Hendrik Alla

Leader of the Year: Kristjan Mändmaa and Mart Kalm

Team of the Year: Communications Department (Anna Lindpere, Mart Vainre, Ronja Soopan)

Deed of the Year: “Restless Morning” project – saving and reproducing D. Hoffmann’s fresco panel (Hilkka Hiiop, Anneli Randla, Taavi Tiidor, Andres Uueni, Maris Veeremäe, Reeli Kõiv)

EKA Colleague Prizes 2018

Newcomer of the Year: Administrative Assistant

Angelina Valk Colleague of the Year: Administration Manager

Kaido Kruusamets

Leader of the Year: HR Manager Dagmar Raide

Team of the Year: Administration Team (Andres Tammsaar, Kaido Kruusamets, Andrus Audova, Mart Saarepuu, Svetlana Lesment)

Deed of the Year: New EKA building and relocation

EKA 2018 Artistic Work Prizes

Architecture Faculty Prize: Joel Kopli, Koit Ojaliiv, Juhan Rohtla, and Eik Hermann for finding a solution fitting EKA by combining old and new in the adaptation of the building for educational use

Design Faculty Prize: Ingrid Allik, Associate Professor of Ceramics, for her leadership in the field and notable participation in group exhibitions in 2018

Fine Arts Faculty Prize: Liina Siib, Professor and Chair of the Graphics Department, for consistent social art practice and notable exhibition activity in 2018

EKA Research Publication Prizes 2018

Tiina Abel for high-level articles on the Düsseldorf painting school and the concept of naturalism

Kristi Kuusk and Nithikul Nimkulrat for the article “Opportunities of Interactive Textile-Based Design for Education Tools for Children with Various Spectrums of Alertness Sensitivities”

2017 Prize for Artistic Work

Pille Epner and Kaja Pae for curating the exhibition “Who Creates the City?”

Professor Mare Saare for active exhibiting in 2017 and for the longtime development of Estonian glass art

Associate Professor Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo for the exhibition “Immediate Gratification” and creative work that supports his pedagogical activities

2017 Research Publication

Oliver Laas

2017 Newcomer of the Year

Dagmar Raide

2017 Colleague of the Year

Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo

2017 Colleague of the Year

Elisabeth Kuusik

2017 Leader of the Year

Kristiina Krabi-Klanberg

2017 Team of the Year

Personnel Department – Dagmar Raide and Marika Kopõlova

2017 Deed of the Year

“Good Teaching Seminars” – Kristiina Krabi-Klanberg, Anne Pikkov, Maarin Ektermann, Lia Toro, Dagmar Raide, Kadri Tammik

2016 Prize for Artistic Work

Professor Piret Puppart, Head of Fashion Design

Associate Professor Taavi Talve, Head of Installation and Sculpture

Architects Maarja Kask and Ralf Lõoke, alumni, lecturers of Faculty of Architecture

2016 Prize for Research Publication

Indrek Rünkla for doctoral dissertation “Arhitektuursest mõtlemisest.: seosest tunnetuslike ja ühiskondlike konstruktsioonide vahel arhitektuuri praktika näitel”

2016 Honourable Mention

Professor Nithikul Nimkulrat for her book “Crafting Textiles in the Digital Age”

2016 Team of the Year

Administration Department – Kaido Kruusamets, Mart Saarepuu and Andrus Audova

2016 Colleague of the Year

Piret Ellamaa

2016 Newcomer of the Year

Kristjan Mändmaa

2016 Deed of the Year

The New EKA Building

2016 Leader of the Year

Mart Kalm

2015 Prize for Creative Work

Researcher Kärt Ojavee

Associate Professor Indrek Sirkel

Professor Andres Tali

2015 Prize for Research Publication

Senior Researcher Eva Näripea

Professor Maroš Krivy

2015 Team of the Year

Office of International Relations: Maria Jürisson and Sandra-Leena Sule

2015 Colleague of the Year

Kaido Kruusamets

2015 Newcomer of the Year

Professor Piret Puppart

2015 Deed of the Year

Wooden Megaphones, Department of Interior Architecture

2015 Leader of the Year

Professor Anne Pikkov, Vice Rector

2014 Prize for Research Publication

Professor Andres Kurg for his doctoral dissertation “Boundary Disruptions. Late-Soviet Transformations in Art, Space and Subjectivity in Tallinn 1968-1979”