Below are the EKA legal documents, organized into categories. The list of documents is accessible under each category heading.
Foundational Acts
- Estonian Academy of Arts Act
- Statutes of the Estonian Academy of Arts
- Development Plan 2021–2025
- Research, Development and Creativity Strategy 2021–2025
- Digital Development Strategy 2022–2025 (in Estonian)
- Code of Ethics
- Gender Equality Plan 2022–2025
- Academic Structure
- Structure of Support Units
- Statute of the Student Body
Regulations of Studies
- Study Regulations
- Doctoral Study Regulations
- Admission Rules
- Tuition Costs Reimbursement Rates
- Procedure for Managing Intellectual Property
- Procedure for Application, Awarding and Payment of Scholarships and Grants
- Procedure for Organisation and Quality Assurance for Continuing Education
- Good Practice in Assessment and Feedback
Research, Development and Creative Practice
- Research, Development and Creativity Strategy 2021–2025
- Rules of Procedure for EKA’s Research Foundation / EKA’s Research Grants
- Procedure for Competition of Applied Research and Development Works
- Procedure Governing the Estonian Academy of Arts Research Centres
- Procedure for Managing Intellectual Property (EST)
- Estonian Artistic Research Framework Agreement
Personnel and Recognition
Financial and Facilities Management
Higher Education and University Collaboration
- Public Procurement Register. Use the search function to find Eesti Kunstiakadeemia procurements.