

Our floating smoke sauna has been nominated for the title of Wooden Building of the Year 2023

The Estonian Forest and Wood Industries Association organises wooden building competition every year with the aim of highlighting new wooden ...
Cumulus Student Talent Camp Jaipur 2023

EKA Students Participating in the Cumulus Student Talent Camp Jaipur 2023

The first-ever Cumulus Student Talent Camp flagged off on 30 October at the ARCH College of Design & Business, India under the theme “Design ...
EKA GD ja CIRRUS foto Sandra Mell

The Graphic Design Department Hosted the CIRRUS Network Seminar

A CIRRUS network seminar was held, hosted by the Graphic Design Department of EKA.  Representing the Estonian Academy of Arts are Ott Kagovere, ...

Paljassaare pilgrimage, hiking into the (un)known

Photos by Madita Kümmeringer.

Master’s studio in cooperation with the Peter Behrens School of Arts in Düsseldorf

From the 15th to the 22nd October 2023, the first-year master’s students of the Department of Interior Architecture of EKA were in the Ruhr ...
007 the Arch_photo BertDeBacker

Open lecture: Alexander Römer “Convivial Ground”

In autumn 2023, the open architectural lectures will take place under the title Mobile Masters. The theme brings architects and theorists to ...

Studio trip to Amsterdam, Oct 2023

Study trips are an important part of studying to be an architect in order to have a wider horizon and experience both in Estonia and in the world ...
EKA 109 keraamika 100

Today marks the 109th anniversary of the Estonian Academy of Arts and the 100th anniversary of ceramics education

Today, the Estonian Academy of Arts celebrates its 109th anniversary and the 100th anniversary of ceramics studies with a gathering to which all ...
Maroš Krivý foto

Maroš Krivý at the Third Ecology meeting in Reykjavík

Reykjavík, 11-13 October Maroš Krivý (Professor of Urban Studies) presented at the conference “Third Ecology,” organized by the European ...

Chamotte gardenvase for a weekend house: 100 Years of design assignments

Exhibition of the Ceramics Department and Museum of the Estonian Academy of Arts. The main material in ceramics, clay, has formed over the course ...