
Conference series

Conference series

The post-World War II socialism and related art historical discourse had many faces: too many for a single conference. Therefore we have launched ...

Talented Aesthetic Spontaneous Excitement prolonged!

We are pleased to announce that the Main Exhibition of the Graduation Works Show TASE’16 at Kotzebue 1/Põhja pst 7 building has been ...

The 2015/2016 Maks Roosma grant goes to Maria Tamm

For her creative work and active participation in exhibitions as well as for organizing the exhibition “Ongoing/Going on” of young ...

5th Season Summer School in Soomaa: APPLY NOW!

After success of CIRRUS 1st summer school in Norway, Sykkylven,Estonian Academy of Arts’, Department of Interior Architecture in collaboration ...

The Estonian Academy of Arts fills its future building with fresh works and world-changing ideas from young architects, artists, and designers

From 2 — 16 June the Estonian Academy of Arts will present works from this year’s Master students at its annual Graduation Works Festival ...
Open Lecture: Jörg Heiser will give a public lecture “Double Lives: Art and Pop Music”

Open Lecture: Jörg Heiser will give a public lecture “Double Lives: Art and Pop Music”

Estonian Academy of Arts Institute of Art History and Visual Culture and CCA, Estonia invite: On Thursday, May 26 at 6 PM co-editor of frieze ...

SISU—LINE #2 – Ruumi mõju / The Impact of Space

SISU—LINE #2 is based on materials from the SISU 2015 symposium and has the same title – Spatial Impact. “Society controls people and ...

SISU 2016 – Welcome Stranger!

Nomadism is the most pressing issue in today’s world – movement can be voluntary or forced. The SISU symposium will explore the expectations and ...

Patterns of Development in Contemporary Estonian Culture (MOBERC 2016-2017)

The aims of the program are: (1) to prepare and present a grant application to European Research Council; (2) to start preparatory work for the ...

Urban Studies Master’s thesis defense

You are very welcome to the Master’s thesis defense of Faculty of Architecture’s Urban Studies, which will take place on May 24, ...