
Víctor Enrich

OPEN LECTURE SERIES: Víctor Enrich 4.02. AT 18

Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture “Open Lecture Series” 04.02 Víctor Enrich (Barcelona) – Víctor Enrich stuudio ...

Camper held its first Northern European workshop at the EAA

12 students from the top design schools of Nordic countries participated in the Camper Wearables workshop, held for the first time in Northern ...

Artcar project – self-organising in art

ARTCAR – CAREER IN CREATIVE INDUSTRIES FOR ARTISTS 2015-2017 The ArtCar project was meant for developing a common entrepreneurship course ...

Camper workshop in Tallinn

Between January 18-23, 2016 the EAA will host a workshop jointly with CIRRUS network academies. Leaders of the workshop: Adriana Rodriguez, ...

Abandoned House Projects

On January 6, 2016 at 4 PM artists from Latvia Inguna Audere and Imants Kikulis, and Kazushi Nakada (Japan-Finland) will present their project ...

Anna Mari Liivrand “One becomes many/many become one” at EKA Gallery 18.11-19.12.2015

Anna Mari Liivrand “One becomes many/many become one” 18.11–19.12.2015 “The exhibition “One becomes many/many become one” talks about the process ...

International touring glass exhibition INTERPRETATION in Riga

International glass students’ touring exhibition “interpretation” had its last show at the Menzendorff Museum in Riga from ...
garage48 Hardware_Arts

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN for Garage48 Hardware & Arts

Garage48 Hardware & Arts will be a one of a kind hackathon bringing together the creative communities of electronics, mechatronics, software ...

A Wider Look Into Life and Design: An Interview with Adriana Rodriguez, International Network & Design Director for Camper

Interviewed by Solveig Jahnke, Head of Communications, Estonian Academy of Arts What brought you to Estonia? I met two people from Estonia during ...