

Public presentation: “Housing”

Public presentation of the Estonian Academy of Arts urban studies Master’s programme 2nd year studio “Housing” on Friday, Dec. ...
Jan Knippers

OPEN LECTURE SERIES: Jan Knippers 3.12. AT 18

Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture“Open Lecture Series”Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20, Tallinn) 03.12 at 18 – Jan Knippers ...
avatud loengud

Architecture Open Lecture Series

You are welcome to attend the regular Open Lecture Series of the Faculty of Architecture.  Find the upcoming events and past lectures here
Conference of the Doctoral Studies

Conference of the Doctoral Studies

The Conference will take palce on the 11th of December 2015, at 10 am, Estonia pst 7 (auditorium 440a).
Artist Piibe Piirma ‘s doctoral defense about hybrid practices of art and research was successful

Artist Piibe Piirma ‘s doctoral defense about hybrid practices of art and research was successful

On November 18th, artist Piibe Piirma successfully defended her doctoral thesis at the Estonian Academy of Arts. According to her opponent, dr ...
Nos chers étudiants français

Nos chers étudiants français

Nous partageons votre peine en ce moment de deuil. Nos sincères condoléances, à vous et à vos proches. Nous voulons exprimer notre vive douleur ...
gilles_retsin foto


Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture “Open Lecture Series” Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20, Tallinn) 19.11. Gilles Retsin / London Gilles ...

Rector Mart Kalm and the whole EAA’s family expresses our deepest condolences to our exchange students from France. Our thoughts are with ...
walking the city presentations

‘Walking the City’ final presentations: Urban interventions and walking practice

Estonian Academy of Arts Departments of Urban Studies and Photography Friday 13.11.2015, 18.00 ‘Walking the City’ has been a course ...