
Performa 2023 balti kuraatorid

Kerly Ritval at PERFORMA, New York City

The winners of the PERFORMA Biennial Baltic Fellowship Program have arrived to New York. Fellowships were awarded to three upcoming curators from ...

With the support of EAS a team of EKA students is developing a building system using straw panels

In spring this year, EAS announced funding for engineering students. One of the selected projects was – “Development of a modular system 1+x, ...
Kohila plakat_väiksem reso


The opening of the exhibition “Abandoned Landscapes: Kohila Paper Mill” took place on September 16th at 12:00 in the wood pulp room of the Kohila ...

New EKA Student Council Elected

The new EKA Student Council (ÜE) includes President Kristi Laanemäe; Vice-President and Head of the ÜE Culture and Sports dep. Sabina Ummelas; ...

Open Call: EKA 109 and EKA Ceramics 100 Auction

Submit your work for auction! On the occasion of the Estonian Academy of Arts’ 109th and EKA Ceramics 100th anniversaries, we will hold a public ...
A Shade Colder goes to Miss Read

A Shade Colder Goes to Berlin Art Book Fair 2023

A Shade Colder goes to Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair 2023! 22 – 24 September at HKW  A Shade Colder will be presenting a special ...
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Innovation in Healthcare

The healthcare sector, consuming a significant amount of resources and generating various types of waste, has become a public health concern in ...

LOADING CERAMICS in Estonian Museum of Architecture

“Loading Ceramics” presents the results of an international short-term residency of the Estonian Academy of Arts, Faculty of Architecture 3DL and ...
picnic 2

EKA Urban Studies students Won in Canada

EKA Urban Studies students Aleyna Canpolat and Alp Õzalp have won second prize in a competition organised by The Canadian Academy of Architecture ...
NART open call

Narva Art Residency Open Call 2024

Narva Art Residency is announcing its open call for residencies in 2024. This time we offer about a dozen residencies in the main programme and 3 ...