
Erik on siin pildil

Product Design Form: Erik Heiki Veelmaa

In April, we will introduce you to Erik Heiki Veelmaa, who is approaching the final stretch of his BA studies. Name: Erik Heiki Veelmaa Position: ...

Art Historical Contact Zones (EKA Research Grant, 2023–2024)

The project “Art Historical Contact Zones: Popular and Fictional Mediations of Art History in Estonia” explores the relationship between art ...

ACuTe – Cultural testbeds for performing arts and new technology

ACuTe, a pioneering digital theatre project across Europe, has EKA as one of its partner organizations. Project aims to transform the way theatre ...
Nart open call

NART OPEN CALL for Residents 27 April

NART announces two open calls to find the residents for Kreenholm garden and Narva Venice Embassy.  Narva Art Residency announces two open calls, ...
Ovrutši lasteaia kujunduse konkurss EKAs_foto Andres Lõo

Sweet Daydreams Brought to Life Through the Ovruch Kindergarten Art Competition

Inspired by daydreams, Daria Titova, from Kharkiv, has delivered the winning vision for art to adorn the new kindergarten in Ovruch. Her entry, ...

Exploring Conditions for Community Care in one Neighborhood

How might peer support and community engagement enable a new approach to increasing low-cost and accessible mental health services in Estonia?  ...
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ERKI Fashion Show 2023 is looking for models!

ERKI Fashion Show is seeking models for the fashion show taking place on the 17th of June in Noblessner. The model street cast will take place on ...
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ERKI Fashion Show 2023 Finalists

This year’s ERKI Fashion Show received 22 designs from both Estonia and Finland. Pre-jury helped select amongst them 13 collections that ...

2023 year’s J. Holt scholarship for Kertu Johanna Jõeste

This year’s Jaan Holt Scholarship will be awarded to Kertu Johanna Jõeste, a student of architecture and urban planning, for her outstanding and ...
NART otsib koordinaatorit

NART is Looking for New Team Members

NART is looking for new bright people for four different positions Spring is here and it’s time for new challenges. The Narva Arts Residence has ...