

Hedi Jaansoo and Laivi to Participate at the WIELS Residency in 2023

Estonian artists Laivi and Hedi Jaansoo have been selected for the 2023 artist-in-residence programme at the renowned WIELS art centre in ...
Põhukabel Avamistuur_Põhukabel_Jelena Rudi_3

EKA Students’ Pollinator Highway Installations Now Open

’Reed’, ’Straw Chapel’, and ’Interspecies Crossing’ are newly opened and invite you to explore! The winners were selected out of 19 proposals ...

BAUA Awards 2022: Best Young Architec Prizes to EKA Students

On October 21, 2022, the best works of young architects from Baltic states were awarded at the ceremony held in Liepaja, Latvia, concert hall ...

“Dear Friend” (edited by Sandra Nuut and Ott Kagovere)

The publication edited by Sandra Nuut & Ott Kagovere features all the letters from the Dear Friend monthly snail mail publishing project ...
International Animation Day

Juku Animation Evenings, 28. October!

2 PM in EKA auditorium presentations of animated projects currently in production  Everyone is welcome to have a peek into how several young ...

SISU Curators’ Roundtable 2022

The CURATORS’ ROUNDTABLE, which prepares the SISU symposium, will be held on November 10, starting at 2:00 p.m. at the Van Jung residence ...

Learning art/design/architecture in 2045 would feel like…?

Dear students/teachers/academics in EKA – what will teaching/learning look like in 2045? Come to participate in labs that ponder ...
Anette Jaaniso. Foto: Erakogu.

Product Design Form: Anette Jaaniso

The October Product Design Form takes us to the digital landscape with Anette Jaaniso. In terms of digital experiments so far, Anette has been ...

Glasgow School of Art visited EKA between October 10 – 14

EKA’s dear partner in Scotland, Glasgow School of Art, namely Thomas Greenough, Head of International Academic Development and Professor of ...

EKA Fresh Alumni on the Horizon of Achievements

EKA textile alumnus Liisa Torsus received an honorable mention in the final of the Dorothy Waxman International Textile Design Prize competition, ...