

Glasgow School of Art visited EKA between October 10 – 14

EKA’s dear partner in Scotland, Glasgow School of Art, namely Thomas Greenough, Head of International Academic Development and Professor of ...

EKA Fresh Alumni on the Horizon of Achievements

EKA textile alumnus Liisa Torsus received an honorable mention in the final of the Dorothy Waxman International Textile Design Prize competition, ...
Tudengid Soomes.

Industrial and digital product design students study trip to Finland

In the last days of September, students in the 2nd year of Industrial and Digital Product Design of EKA went on a study trip to Finland as part ...
Argo Tamm keskkonnahoidliku istemööbli prototüübil

Argo Tamme’s diploma thesis in an article in Eesti Päevaleht

When autumn arrives, we again spend more time at home on the sofa, without paying any attention to the large carbon footprint of upholstered ...
Ursula vo Leyden käis NARTis3

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen at the Art Residency in Narva

On October 10th Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission came for a visit to Narva! A press conference was held at the Narva ...
Linda Kaljundi

“Baltic Human-Animal Histories” Published

AABS is delighted to announce the award of a Book Publication Subvention to Peter Lang Publishing USA for publishing “Baltic Human-Animal ...

Esa Kirkkopelto Appointed as a Visiting Professor of EKA Doctoral School

In 2022–2023, the Visiting Professor of EKA Doctoral School is Esa Kirkkopelto. Together with Jaana Päeva, a researcher at the Faculty of Design, ...
esikaas_Arhitektuuri vihik_Maastikuarhitektuur_Kivilinna Kool

Kivilinna School. Landscape Architecture Studio project 02.2021–04.2021

Find the booklet HERE. Landscape architecture 2 is a course which explores the notion of working with the city space and a projects’ specific ...
Aasta haridustegu

“Welcome, Ukrainians!” programme by EKA was declared the educational act of the year 2022

The Ministry of Education and Research has announced this year’s laureates of the Teacher of the Year competition “Estonia Learns and ...

Liisa Torsus in the Final of the Dorothy Waxman International Textile Design Prize

Textile artist Liisa Torsus, an alumna of EKA textiles, received an honorable mention in the final of the Dorothy Waxman International Textile ...