
CIRRUS meeting aug 2022 EKA

CIRRUS network meeting in EKA

What is CIRRUS about and how is it connected to EKA? Rachel Troye (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, AHO) and Maria Göransdotter ...

EKA Gallery’s OPEN CALL for 2023!

EKA Gallery is now seeking proposals for the year 2023! DEADLINE: 17.10.2022 We are now seeking proposals for solo and curatorial exhibitions, ...
NART open call

NART awaits Finnish and active in Finland artists!

An announcement to all Finnish and Finland-based artists! Finnish Cultural Foundation is giving out two grants for artists  or artistic duos ...


The Estonian-Latvian joint LIFE project (LIFE20 NAT/EE/000074) “Restoring and promoting a long-term sustainable management of Fennoscandian ...
Screenshot 2022-08-23 at 16.37.01

Transform4Europe Open Dual Lecture: two speakers, one global issue – housing crisis

On September 5, the Estonian Academy of Arts will organize an open conversation/ lecture with two speakers, where academic knowledge and business ...

2022/23 academic year introductory week programme

JOINT EVENTS Thursday, 01.09. At 10:00 – 14:00 Back to school sale in the lobby At 10:00 – 12:00 Presentation of studies for students ...

Roemer van Toorn “Making Architecture Politically: From Fresh Conservatism to Aesthetics as a Form of Politics” (Dissertationes 37)

By grappling with making architecture politically, finding it wanting through critical analysis, observing the exemplary and often a-political ...

Estonian language and culture course for all new international students at EKA

For the first time, an Estonian language and culture course started at EKA, which will be attended by 50 new foreign students here, incl. both ...
Eesti keele- ja kultuuri kursuste programm foto Sandra Mell

A large program of Estonian language and culture courses started at EKA

For the first time, a spectacular Estonian language and culture course started at EKA, which will be attended by 50 new foreign students of EKA, ...

“Vastutustundlik ese. Disainiideoloogia ajalugu tuleviku tarbeks” (edited by Marjanne van Helvert)

What might the archaeologists of the future think of our time when they excavate the ruins of our civilization? They would find countless ...