
Jornas-Toomas Iisak_ pilt

Jaan Holt scholarship 2022 is awarded to EKA architecture student Jornas-Toomas Iisak

This year’s Jaan Holt Scholarship will be awarded to Jornas-Toomas Iisak, a student of architecture and urban planning, for his outstanding and ...
Valgetähe orden Marge Monko Hilkka Hiiop_foto Solveig Jahnke

Order of the White Star to Marge Monko and Hilkka Hiiop

On the eve of the anniversary of the Republic, Estonian artists will be recognized with decorations. Marge Monko, an internationally successful ...
Ilma Palmi preemia laureaadid

Ilmar Palm Award 2022 of the Department of Ceramics

In 2022, the Department of Ceramics of the Estonian Academy of Arts awarded the Ilmar Palm Prize to Kristel Kärd, a third-year student “for ...
Johan Tali_foto Vahur Puik

​​5 questions to Johan Tali about the Architecture Open Lectures of spring semester 2022

The series of open lectures of the Faculty of Architecture revolves around similarities this spring – young architects from Latvia and ...
Junny Yeung_foto Taavi Piibemann2

Junny Yeung is the Winner of the Young Sculptor Award 2022

The winner of the Young Sculptor Award 2022 is Junny Yeung, a master’s student of contemporary art at EKA. 2nd place went to Zody Burke and ...
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Architecture Open Lecture Series lines up inspiring speakers from close-by countries

The series of open architecture lectures will take place this spring under the title “Close enough” and will bring architects from Latvia, ...
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Bend to Break, an investigation into the plywood industry

Bend to Break is the latest project from the students of Estonian Academy of Arts, Faculty of Design. While acknowledging the legacy of Luterma ...

EKA hosted vice rectors and institutional coordinators of Transform4Europe European Universities alliance

Between February 9-11, 2022 EKA’s vice rectors Anne Pikkov and Anu Allas hosted Transform4Europe consortium vice rector to discuss the ...
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Stories from life. Interview with Ülo Pikkov, Head of the EKA Animation Department

Article from magazine “Estonian Film”. Text by Aurelia Aasa, photos by Viktor Koshkin. Ülo Pikkov, the newly appointed Head of the Animation ...

“Unfinished City” research team is awarded annual Estonian national culture prize

Last week, the Estonian government announced this year’s national laureates of the Culture and Sports Awards, which included the core team ...