

KUNO+CIRRUS+NBAA virtual get-together II, June 3, 2020

KUNO, CIRRUS and NBAA, are having an online get-together again on June 3: 10.00 Icelandic /12.00 Scandinavian / 13.00 Baltic and Finnish / time ...

T4 – TallinnTimberTowerTermial

Under the supervision of junior researchers Siim Tuksam and Sille Pihlak of the Faculty of Architecture, in the spring semester of 2020, 3rd year ...

The Rector will take the oath of office via live video 

On Monday, April 6, 2020, at 2 pm, Professor Mart Kalm will take the rector’s oath at the meeting of the Council and Senate of the Estonian ...

Study of the collective farm areas of Järva municipality

Study of the collective farm areas of the general plan of Järva municipality. Living models of rural settlements The aim of the project is to ...

5th Semester Presentation – Uncalced City

PRESENTATION VIDEO: Take a look at the public presentation of the results of the 5th semester of the Unfinished City research project at the ...

EKA opened exchange studies’ application round

As of April 1, we are again accepting exchange studies applications for fall and academic year of 2020/21. Application deadline for autumn and ...

Forecast and Fantasy in Late Soviet Architecture (PSG, 2020–2024)

The research project proposes to write a history of fantasy in Late-Soviet architecture, focusing on its mediating role in the transformative ...

Patterns of Development in Estonian Culture of the Transition Period (1986–1998) (PRG, 2020–2024)

The research project sets out to investigate the cultural processes at work in Estonia between 1986 and 1998, a time-frame known as the ...

Publishing the ‘History of Estonian Art’ (1999–2025)

Publishing the multi-volume History of Estonian Art was initiated in 1999. It is the longest-running research project of the Institute of Art ...
Image or Sign: A Phenomenological Study of Pictorial Representation (MOBJD, 2017–2020)

Image or Sign: A Phenomenological Study of Pictorial Representation (MOBJD, 2017–2020)

The aim of Regina-Nino Mion’s project is to defend the originality of Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological account of pictorial representation and ...