

Maris Mändel “Tehiskivimaterjalid eesti 20. sajandi arhitektuuris. Kasutuslugu ja väärtustamine” (Dissertationes 29)

Could the most common building material be so valuable that it should be considered for preservation and restoration as a precious original ...
rethinking gentrification-poster


A501 16:00 Põhja pst 7 While few outside Berlin know where Schöneweide is, new developments led by the likes of Bryan Adams and Olafur ...

Ezio Manzini “Disain, kui kõik disainivad. Sissejuhatus sotsiaalset innovatsiooni edendavasse disaini”

What is the role of design in a world moving to a sustainable model? Today, each of us is a designer to some extent. The technological revolution ...

Interview with Lorna Phillips

Lorna Phillips (1999), had her exhibition “100 cups” at Vent Space from 13th till 19th of November 2019. She is a girl from Scotland and she is ...

Design students of the Estonian Academy of Arts reach out to the international markets

On 13th December, the MA-students from fashion, textile, accessories’ and jewellery design at the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) will get a rare ...

Mark Fisher “Kapitalistlik realism: kas alternatiivi ei ole”

Mark Fisher’s book is a revelatory description of the social and cultural atmosphere of the past few decades, which the author refers to as ...
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Specialty studio “Living room + wool” 2019 / student work: Linda Zupping

What is a home and what makes be a good living space if the starting point and unit for the space is an ascetic, ubiquitous sea container? And so ...

Beyond Borders: Moving through Maardu

A lake and a port. Summer housing and mass housing. Metal, steel, automobiles, and the not-so distant memories of phosphorus mining. Beyond the ...

Bernt Notke: The Research and Conservation of the Retable of the Church of the Holy Spirit

The late medieval retable of the High Altar of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Tallinn, is an outstanding masterpiece of woodcarving and painting ...

Katrin Aasmaa victorious at VIRUS FASHION’24 competition

MA-students Katrin Aasmaa and Cärol Ott have once again brought a great deal of pride to Estonia and the Estonian Academy of Arts by presenting ...