

EASA workshop “Dumb Emancipatory Housing”

In the second week of January 2024, the “Dumb Emancipatory Housing” architecture workshop was held at the Estonian Academy of Arts, conducted by ...

Multi-Sensory Design for Somatic WellBeing

Multi-Sensory Design for Somatic WellBeing based on the idea of delving into the realm of bodily sensations can unlock fresh perspectives on our ...

New article by Maroš Krivý and Matthew Gandy, “Zany beetroot”

Maroš Krivý has published “Zany beetroot: architecture, autopoiesis, and the spatial formations of late capital” in Environment and Planning D: ...
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EKA Master’s and PhD programmes’ online info sessions 2024

Starting from January, EKA international Master’s programmes are inviting prospective students to join the programmes’ online info sessions via ...
NART 2024

NART 2024 Residents Announced

We are happy to finish this year by announcing the selection of artists-in-residence who will come to Narva in 2024! They were selected from more ...

Mariann Raisma defended her doctoral thesis

On 21 December 2023, Mariann Raisma succesfully defended her PhD thesis „The Power of the Museum. Shaping Collective Memory in Estonia during the ...

Arife Dila Demir defended doctoral thesis

On 19 December 2023, Arife Dila Demir succesfully defended her PhD thesis “Extended [Textile] Soma: Somaesthetics of Bodily ...

Britta Benno defended doctoral thesis

On 14 December 2023, Britta Benno succesfully defended her PhD thesis “Thinking in Layers, Worlding in Layers: Posthuman Landscapes in Expanded ...
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Algae for design-led transition towards blue bioeconomy

The variety of blue bio-economies in the Nordic-Baltic region call for increased cross-sectoral cooperation if we are to truly envision practices ...

Mariann Raisma „Muuseumi võim. Muuseum kollektiivse mälu kujundajana Eestis 20. sajandi murranguperioodidel“ (Dissertationes 41)

Museums have shaped societies’ understanding of the past in many ways over the past two centuries. The museum guides the way we think about ...