

Animation “Sweet Sweat” won its first prize

“Sweet Sweat” (2018) won the best student film prize “Prize for First Flight” at Indie-Anifest. Jung Hyun Kim graduated master degree in EAA ...

Architecture Open Lecture Series to host Enrique Sobejano and Patrik Schumacher this autumn

Department of Architecture and Urban Design of the Estonian Academy of Arts is happy to present the Open Lecture Series lineup for the autumn ...

“The New Building of the Estonian Academy of Arts” (edited by Mart Kalm)

The compendium “The New Building of the Estonian Academy of Arts” was published to mark the occasion of moving into the new building on the edge ...
SNUD-II-cover 2

“SNUD. Protocols II. The Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture Guest Speaker Series 2013–2015”

Part 2 of the “Protocols” series gathers interviews with guest lecturers who appeared in the open lecture series of the Faculty of ...

Speech by Rector Mart Kalm at the opening of the new building of EKA

The art academy will start its 104th academic year in a new building. This is a singular and ceremonial day, because the dreams of a generation ...
Intensive seminar in art history with Anthony Gardner

Intensive seminar in art history with Anthony Gardner

Intensive seminar in art history with Anthony Gardner “Exhibition Histories and Post-Socialism” Date and time: September: 24-27, at 15.00-18.00 ...

Ülo Pikkov “Anti-Animation: Textures of Eastern European Animated Film” (Dissertationes 25)

Even though the origins and early formation of animated film in Eastern and Western Europe shared certain similarities and common ground, the ...
Sõrve projektid compressed pages (dragged) 2

Spatial development visions of the Sõrve peninsula

In the autumn semester of 2018, the 3rd year students were engaged in visioning the spatial development of the Sõrve Peninsula in Saaremaa ...

Tallinn Summer Academy of Art, Design and Architecture – Presence & Possibilities starting in August!

Students from 28 countries to participate at innovative international summer academy organised by the Estonia Academy of Arts. The Estonian ...