Architecture Open Lecture Series lines up inspiring speakers from close-by countries

The series of open architecture lectures will take place this spring under the title “Close enough” and will bring architects from Latvia, Lithuania and Russia to the stage in Tallinn. We will examine how our neighbours operate topics arising from similar built environments and history. The lectures are intended for students and professionals from any and all disciplines – not just in the field of architecture. All lectures take place in the large auditorium of EKA, are in English and free of charge.

The first lecture in the lecture series will be on March 3 at 6 pm by Petras Išora and Ona Lozuraitytė, who launched Isora x Lozuraityte Studio for Architecture in Vilnius in 2014. Creative duo exercise a cooperative practice, linking the spheres of architecture, public infrastructure, art, ecology, landscape. The two designers have been engaged in a number of interdisciplinary collaborations at a variety of scales, both nationally and internationally. The studio is characterised by cooperation and collaboration with other practises or subjects in art and architectural fields, is focused on urban narratives, public spaces, landscape projects, public infrastructure, social and cultural projects, experiments with the matter in exhibition, interior design, exterior and architecture of the wider environment.

NB! This lecture is part of the EAA Open Day program, the rest of the program can be found here.

On March 31, the Latvian architectural collective ĒTER, led by Kārlis Bērziņš, Dagnija Smilga and Niklāvs Paegle, will arrive in Tallinn. ĒTER is an architectural practice founded in 2018 in Riga, focusing on space inspired by nature, technology and modern culture. When looking at the city, culture and living patterns, they preferably move in uncharted areas. As a natural part of the architectural firm, they see strategic and conceptual thinking, inventing their own tasks and involving international experts. ETER are architects, researchers and teachers whose fields range from the Baltic coast to the Alps.

We will end the lecture season on April 21 with the St. Petersburg architecture office KATARSIS, founded by Peter Sovetnikov and Vera Stepanskaya, both of whom are also on stage in Tallinn. KATARSIS’ work includes residential and public buildings, projects and installations that create public space, and the precision of artistic thought, striving for beauty and harmony in architecture is important to them. Instead of the goals of world change, they say they focus on poetic architecture, on building up one’s own world, no matter how peripheral the site, hoping that those it speaks to will find their way to their architecture.


March 3 at 6 pm Petras Išora and Ona Lozuraitytė (LT)

March 31 at 6 pm ETER: Kārlis Bērziņš, Dagnija Smilga and Niklāvs Paegle (LV)

April 21 at 6 pm in KATARSIS: Peter Sovetnikov and Vera Stepanskaya (RUS)

Within the framework of a series of open lectures, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of EKA presents a dozen unique practitioners and valued theorists in the field in Tallinn every academic year.

The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Curated by Sille Pihlak, Johan Tali

Additional information:

Tiina Tammet

+372 642 0071

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Posted by Triin Männik