Baltic German Identity and Heritage in Estonian Art Historiography (EKA Personal Grant, 2019–2020)

This personal research grant allows Kristina Jõekalda to go deeper into the interdisciplinary topics with which she has been dealing with in her previous articles, MA (2010) and PhD thesis (2020) and during the Estonian Research Council-funded grant Historicizing Art: Knowledge Production in Art History in Estonia amidst Changing Ideologies and Disciplinary Developments (PUT, 2015–2018). Her approach can be positioned in between Art History, Heritage Studies and Nationalism Studies. The project “Baltic German Identity and Heritage in Estonian Art Historiography” is foremost concerned with the afterlife of architectural heritage in connection with 19th–20th-century art historiography (critical analysis of survey books), history of heritage preservation (legislation and the reception of conservation), and Baltic German and Estonian identity construction (combining the same structures into different narratives). The focus of the grant is therefore on the relationship between heritage and contemporary society in various historical moments.

Principal investigator: Kristina Jõekalda

Duration: 2019–2020

Project type: EKA Personal Research Grant

Financed by EKA

See in the Estonian Research Information System


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Posted by Kristina Jõekalda