Bastion belt. Landscape Architecture Studio project 10.2021–12.2021

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The Bastion belt surrounding Tallinn’s Old Town is an area, which has been recognized as a potential territory to deal with in the means of landscape and architecture. In the book “Lõpet-amata linn” (Unfinished city), the bastion belt is handled as the diverse border of the Old Town. Right now it mostly consists of parks and green areas but is still mainly used for passages to Old Town.

The Landscape Architecture 2 course with tutors Eve Komp and Katrin Koov tries to find answers to questions like, what should be happing on the bastion belt, and how should it be considered spatially to form a coherent whole with the existing surroundings.

AL19 students were challenged to create exhibition surfaces for different museums of Tallinn. To begin, thorough researches and analysis were made about the history of the Bastion Belt, analysing how people and place functions.

Supervisors of the studio: Katrin Koov, Eve Komp

Compiler: Grete Daut

Estonian Academy of Arts Department of Architecture and Urban Design. Tallinn, 2024

Supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

ISBN 978-9916-619-91-9 (print)

ISBN 978-9916-619-92-6 (pdf)

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Posted by Tiina Tammet