EKA Research Cafe: What do urbanists do?

EKA Research Cafe: What do urbanists do?
Telliskivi Loomelinnakus, raamatupoes Puänt

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EKA Research Cafe:

What do urbanists do? From urban research to practice

Urban Studies have been taught at the Estonian Academy of Arts for sixteen years, 48 students have altogether received a master’s degree. Urbanists educated in Estonia work in research, in public and private sectors, here and all over the world. We invite you to take part in an evening of discussions where we will explore expressions of this interdisciplinary speciality situated at the border of theory and practice and talk about what do urbanists do.

We ask, what are the most relevant research directions on the field today, is there anything specific about Estonian Urbanism and what is the role of the urban studies curriculum in understanding and developing the field.

The head of the curriculum, Prof. Maroš Krivý will talk about his own research, including Marie Skłodowska-Curie early stage researcher grant for contemporary urban history. Lecturers Keiti Kljavin and Kaija-Luisa Kurik will give an insight into their practices as educators and urbanists. Additionally, Mattias Malk and Sean Tyler, both PhD students of urban studies, will join the discussion.

We offer coffee and snacks!

The event is in English.

The event is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

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Posted by Andres Lõo

Research and Development OfficeUrban Studies Events